The power unlocked....

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Brick died. In my arms. Tears flowing down my face onto his. "Brick......please.......come........back." I whispered. His eyes still staring at me, cold and lifeless. I slowly closed his eyes. Than I blacked out. I'm wondering in the dark for five minutes. Then a ray of light shot by my right eye. I walked towards the light. Before I reached the light, I heard Bubbles, Boomer, Butch, and Buttercup talking about me and Brick's disappearance. I ran towards them and somehow I was projected out the light.


Everyone's back is towards Blossom. "B-bubbles......." Blossom said. Everyone turned around and stared at her. They noticed she's covered in cuts, bruises, and blood. "WHAT.....BLOSSOM WHAT HAPPENED
WHERE ARE YOU?!?!?" Every body yelled. Bubbles started crying and Boomer held her. "I don't know where I am...but I have to tell the boys something......" "Where's Brick?!?!" Butch interpreted her. Blossoms head was down. "Blossom where's Bri--" Butch stopped in middle sentence. Blossom rose her head to reveal she was crying. She made the room she's in as a projection. so they can see Brick's body. Butch froze and fell to the ground. "'s..........((chokes on the last word))d-de-dead." He finished. Butch on the floor shaking, tears running down his face. Boomer,crying his eyes out on the couch. Buttercup holding Butch and crying. "Blossom who killed him?!?" Butch asked while his head is still down. "Its was hi-- AAAAAHHHHHHH!!!" Blossom screams. Everyone looks towards Blossom. "Blossom what's wro--" They all gasped as they saw Him on her. ((while Blossom's knocked out she's able to project herself and her surroundings through a light. This power only happens when she's in deep danger, and is away from her sisters. If anything touches her while she's unconscious, the people seeing the projection will see and hear them. For example  they saw Brick cause she calmed down and made her surroundings, their surroundings.)) "Well, well, well........ Isn't it my other two children. Butch and Boomer." Him said. Boomer had a worried face, while Butch had a scared but pissed look on his face. ''I love to stay and chat with y'all but me and Blossom have some unfinished business to do, TA-TA!!" he said. Blossom was crying as him pulled her hair and ended the transmission. 


SEE YOU THEN^0^ ^0^ ^0^ ^0^ ^0^ ^_+ ^_+

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