Finally back... But is everyone the same?

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Hey guys, I've been gone for a while. But I have something in store for this last chapter, I hope you enjoy

Blossom's POV:

Its been 5 months since the huge battle, Butch and Buttercup have disappeared. Bubbles and Boomer are talking more while me and Brick have been in and out of the hospital. Brick has been in 12 surgeries and I'm waiting for him to get better. I hold my head down and silently cry at the memories. The blood and gore haunt me every night. "Mrs. Utonium?" A voice said. I rose my head to see Brick's doctor. "Y-yes?" I asked uncertain about what she was about to say. "He is out of surgery and is going make a full recovery." She chimed. My heart beat fastly in relief and hugged her. She smiled, "you also have Some visitors." As I pulled away, my head tilted to the side. 'Visitors?' I thought as the door opened behind me. "Hey Pinkie" a very familiar voice chanted behind me. Slowly my heart rose and tears began to spill out my eyes. "Oh my god, please don't cry! You know I can't stand to see you cry!" The voice yelled. "Buttercup!" I quickly latched on to her.
She chuckled and smiled. "Hey Blossom" she mumbled under her breathe as she hugged back. She knew I heard that, I just missed my sister. Heavy footsteps approached us, "Hey Red" a deep voice called out. My eyes pop up to see Butch carrying the two small infants. My smile grew warmer as the girl opened her eyes. "This Blaze and her brother...Bane" Butch said as Blaze coughed. "She's beautiful" I said as her little coo rang out. Butch then walked up to me and gave me a loving hug. Footsteps started to approach us.

Brick's POV:

My head was pounding from the pain medicine they gave me. My right arm numb, left leg throbbing and hard to breathe. ~Okay..I'm in pain but happy that this is over~ I thought as my door opened. "Brick? You have visitors here for you" the nurse smiled and chuckled. My eyebrow raised up as Blossom, Butch, and Buttercup walked in. "Hey old man" Butch chirped. "I'm only older 30 seconds older than you" I smirked and sat up. ~Mmm...ow~ I moaned in pain slightly. "Don't be so hard on your self" BC placed her hand on my shoulder. I smirked and laid back down to the bed. I was happy that I got to see my brother again. A loud squeal came from behind Butch. My eyes widened and look his direction. Seeing two adorable twins in his hands. The twins one eye lime green and the other forest green, the eyes were opposite. My smile grew more as they cooed at one other. "Blaze and Bane" He said as Bane poked Blazes nose. A chuckle echoed in the room. BC looked quick to see a Well Babe and Blake. "Hey guys.." Babe said slowly walking in. I couldn't see her since Butch and blossom were standing in front of me. Butch stood there wide eyed and silent. "Heh...yeah" Blake said with a chuckled. "Where's brick?" Babe said softly. "Laying in the bed in complete agony" I remarked. She had made her way towards me. "Hey Brick how you feeling?" She asked as she was dead in front of me. "just go--" My eyes grew wide as her stomach was out and big. "Y-y-y-youre-" "5 months pregnant..yeah" she smiled and sat next to me. My eyes were glued at her stomach, it was huge for a single child. "She's having Twins" Blake smiled warmly at her. Blossom smiled and chuckled. "I'm happy I got to see y'all again" Me, Butch and Blake said at the same time. All the girls in the room grinned and chuckled. A faint knock at the door caught our attention. The door slide open to reveal a long haired Boomer with Bubbles, hand in hand and smiling. "Boom?" I was shocked that his hair was down to the middle of his back. "Hey guys....I guess we're all here" he smirked and walked closer. Bubbles was quiet and her usual shy bubbly self. Blossom hugged Her and Boomer, happy to have everyone in the same room and happy. Everyone talked for hours and didn't want to leave. The babies were babbling, cooing and gurgling as we talked. Blaze was always with Butch proving she's a daddy's girl. Bane was with Bubbles, in her arms because she sang him to sleep. It was great to see how everyone was okay and able to live without fear. Blossom walled up to me, and hugged me. Her soft hugs always made me feel better. "So the triplets all are here and no one has the question?" Blake asked wothba arched eyebrow. "What question?" I remarked. "Heh, who's going to get married first" he giggled and the room went dead quiet. Boom flushed darker than my eyes, Butch rubbed the back of his neck and coughed. Bubbles' face blushed a rose pink along with Buttercup. Blossom looked me dead in my eyes and smiled. "Probably me and Brick..." She said in a soft voice. Everyone looked and smiled. "Yeah...that's true" I said and held her very close to me. Never letting go. What can I Say? I'm a lost boy, she's my Neverland, And I will never be lonely with her by my side


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