The Final Battle..... PT.1

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Blossom's POV

"Him, LET BRICK GO , YOU BITCH!!!!!!" I scream furious. "Hahahahahaha No I need him for phase 2 of my plan." Him giggled. ((Growls)) "Let Brick go !!!" I cried. Laughter filled than room. " die." Him said emotionless. Brick charged at me. Both me and Brick flew through the wall of the kitchen. "Aaahhh!!" I screamed at the top of my lungs. I threw a chuck of the wall at Brick, he caught it and smashed it with one hand. ~I never knew he was this strong~ Brick got closer to me, and punched me in the stomach. "Ugh." I moaned. My vision slowly blurring as I fell on my back. My eyes were shutting down and Brick picked me up by my head. "Aahh.......B-Brick please S-SNAP OUT OF IT!!!!!" I pleaded. Brick gave me a smirk, then slammed my body into the ground. "Tch,..... I thought you're gonna be more of a challenge Blossom. Oh well I'll just take you and torture you for a few hours. Hahahahhahahahaha" Him said. I gave a pained look at Brick's body and quietly said, "Brick, I know you're in there. You're stronger than this guy and can take back your body. Please try ((sobs quietly)) Please don't give up. I beg you." I demanded. "Oh SHUT UP!" him said, and stomped on my body. "Ugh......((cough, cough)) you'll never w--" I said then passed out.

Brick's POV  ~Mind~

"Brick, I know you're in there. You're stronger than this guy and can take back your body. Please try ((sobs quietly)) Please don't give up. I beg you." Blossom begged. I began to cry in fear of what I've done. "((Sobs in between)) Blossom.......I'' me." I cried softly. "Aawwee Bricky-wicky is feeling sad.........WELL WHO CARES!!!!" Him said. I snapped. "WHY THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING THIS TO US, YOU FUCKING GAY ASS TRANNY DEVIL. YOU KNOW WHAT, YOU CAN KILL ME BUT JUST KNOW THAT IF YOU DO YOULL NEVER RULE THE WORLD! I WILL FUCKING KILL YOU, REMEMBER I KNOW HOW TO GET TO YOURE DIMENSION HOME SO BEWARE OF THE DARK AND YOURE FUCKING SON!!!!!!!!" I snapped. Him backed up in fear and said. "Brick you wouldn't dare try to kill me..." "Bitch just try me, I swear to god I will make you're life a living hell." I interpreted. Dark aura surrounded my body and my eyes had a black tint to them.

ButchxButtercup here, I'll update tomorrow and finish what has been started. Bye guys
((P.s comment your request how the final fight ending should go. The first comment will be in the story line and I will mention you at the end of the chapter.))

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