Tragic moment.........

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Brick's Pov ~Brick's mind~

When I snapped on Him, a evil aura surrounded me and changed my heart, I was comsumed by anger, saddness, and pure revenge. " Brick.......Bri-" I grabbed him by the thorat and slammed him to the ground. "Ughh....." Him  groaned in pain. 

Blossom's POV  

The last thing I remember was getting stomped in the stomach and black out. I try to move my arms but....~chains? WHATS GOING ON?!?!?~ "Why....where am I?'' I asked but hear no answer. I move my legs to stand up, I fell on the cold floor." OWW...ARGH...UGH...((whimpers)) whats wrong with my legs?'' I look at my legs. They've been cut, whipped, and scarred. "AAAAHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!" I screamed.Tears rolling down my face. The door suddenly slammed open. "Well it looks like shes finally awake, How are you feeling Blossom?'' a voice asked. I stayed quiet and scooted away from the voice. I then feel a hand on my hair, I tried to move they grabbed my hair and pulled my body of the ground. "OWW.... what do you want with me?'' I cried heavily. An evil laugh rang out, ''HAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHA Nothing bad just..... you under my contol.'' the voice said in my ear. Then i remembered who that was. " Him  let me go now, and LEAVE BRICK ALONE!!!" I commanded. "Awe, why should I....when he's not here anymore.'' he said sweetly. ~WHAT DOES HE MEAN BY THAT?!?!?!?~ "Wha-What do you mean by that?'' I asked quietly. "oh I mean his mind is in a dimension and he's fighting to get back to you but...... he isnt fighting anymore.'' the evil basturd said. "WHAT DID YOU DO TO HIM YOU FUCKI--'' I was cut off by Brick's body kissing me. He pushed my body to the ground, Brick's body was so cold, and lonely. I shifted my head to the right and kicked him off of me. "Leave me alone already!!!!!!" I cried on the floor, wishing Brick was himself. 

Brick's Pov 
"Oh my god, WHEN THE FUCK IS THIS GOING TO BE OVER?!?!?!?" I screamed at him " Oh when I have Blossom sadded, and ready to give up her sanity.........Then I'll kill her with your hands." He said calmly, but surly. ~Tch this has been going on for days now.......Blossom don't give up. Please!!!~

Blossom's POV

Its been three days since I've been taken by him. I've been beaten continuously, but thank the lord I haven't been raped or worse.....Murdered. The door opened and I fliched in fear, my head was yanked off the ground. "AHH...!!!!'' I cried. Him came out with Brick's body.....but the worst part was Him was in his own body and Brick was still under his control. ((gasps and starts to cry)) ''Why us???????" i squeaked. ''Oh nothing I just want you to suffer, by the hands of your LOV-VER!!!!!" he teased. I flinched at the movement of Brick moving towards me. I mobed my hands in front of my face and wait for an impact, it never came. I slowly looked up at Brick. It was his self again, my eyes started to filled up with tears. "Brick, BRICK THANK GOD ITS YOU !!!!!!!'' I screamed in Brick shoulder. "Blossom I'm so sorry." he said sad. ((cries happily)) "What do you mean, Brick. It wasn't your fault he was controlling you.'' I said with sureness. ''Not for that, for this.'' he said. With that he pushed me away, " Goodbye Blossom, I love you.'' he said with a tear in his eye ~WAIT, WHAT DOES HE MEAN? I NEED HIM FOR THE REST OF MY LIFE!~ ''WHAT DO YOU MEAN BRICK!!! I NEED YOU TO SURVIVE, your'e my soulmate!'' I screamed and tears flowing down my face. Brick turned around and walked to me, and kissed me. "Why are you doing this to me, Don't you love me?'' i weeped. ''Hey! You know I would do anything to keep you safe and alive. Right now, it's one of those times. I'm trying to keep you alive for your father and sister's sake. So don't think I don't love you, I'm keepind you safe." he said in a deep loving voice."GAH!!!!!" Brick called out, he looked down at his chest and saw a claw sticking out of it. Blood dripping down his shirt and my face. The claw drawed back and he fell, instantly I grabbed him before he fell to the ground. I looked up at Him laughing his fucking head off. I looked at his claw, it's covered in Bricks blood and clothes. "Blo-Blossom.........'' I hear a faint call, quickly looked back at Brick. I have never seen him cry before, but tears were filling eyes. I started to bawl but was stopped by Brick's hand touching my face. ''Re -member what i sai--'' he said. His eyes closed, and he stopped breathing. "Brick........,BRICK NO!!!!!! PLEASE COME BACK!!!!!" I screamed whike bawling. My heart sank as my love died in my lap. I couldn't help but scream in regret.

---------------------TO BE CONTINUED-------------------------


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