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Me: Hey its--
???:YOU BITCH!!! *punches me in the stomach and face*
Karou: You know damn well what's wrong!!!!
Me: *flicks her off* Okay calm the fuck down you little baby
Karou: you are ---ugh!!
*punches her in the stomach and knocks her out*
Me: (¬_¬)ノ okay let's get this over with.

Butch's POV

As we all walked in the hospital we saw their mom, covered in blood with a sad expression on her face. "Mom what happened?!?!" Blossom asked. "We got the baby out and he's fine.." She sighed. "Why are you sad??" She stayed quiet and looked at me with a saddened look. My eyes widen and I starter hyperventilating. "She..had..loss to much blood and she...she....flat lined." I fell to the ground and couldn't breathe. "No....no....that...that can't be right." Blossom said and walked up to their mom. "She can't be...She's the strongest and she..has...." "No! I refuse to lose her!!!" Bubbles ran into the room and looker at her. She placed her hands in Buttercup's chest and a blue liquid began to seep into Buttercup. "Bubbles she cant-"
We heard coughing and saw her eyes open. I slowly creeped out if the hospital.

Blossom's POV

Butch left when he heard her wake up. I ran into the room and hugged her tightly. "I thought we lost you!!!" I started to weep onto her shoulder and she hugged me back. "What happened to me?" She asked. I didn't have the heart to tell her. "You died...while they were trying to get the baby, Buttercup." A voice said. We all looked at saw that it was Boomer. Bubbled looked at him and began to cry and ran past him. As she pasted him, he tilted his head away from her. He had a pained look. "Wh-where Butch?" She asked looking for him. "When you woke up he walked out and didn't say a word."
She looked sad and nodded. Our mom brought the babies to Buttercup. "What are their names?" I said. "I...I...I don't know" she said and looked at the girl, who had one forest green eyes and one lime. I walked up to them and looked at the boy. He had lime green eyes. "They're beautiful.." I whispered and saw that Buttercup was slilently crying. My heart broke as I saw her crying. I was about to say something but our mom told us to leave.

yeah...got lazy and I hadn't slept a wink so
Comment names for the children the most liked one or the ones with the most replies will be the winner and I will do a special shout out for you...
See you soon

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