The moment...

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Buttercup's POV

"Me and Butch h-had sex 3 months ago, u-un-unprotected!!" I screamed in my pillow. Blossom qasped but, quickly calmed down. "Okay, what happened Buttercup?" She asked worried.


We're sitting watching " The walking dead". I slowly placed my head on Butch's shoulder. "Are you sleeply or something, Buttercup?" He asked and placed his head on mine. "No, I just love laying like this." I responded. "Hey, Buttercup?" He whispered. "Hmm--?" I looked at him, he pushed his lips to mine. Shocked at first but I quickly kissed back. I played in his ponytail and accidentally pulled it out. His hair ended in the middle of his back like Brick's but, his had forest green ends and bangs.
As the kiss got deeper, he was laying on top of me. I don't know how we got this way but I didn't care. He slowly rose up and picked me up with him. He floated back his bedroom and laid me on the bed. He broke and took off his shirt revealing his 8 pack. I took off my shirt and bra, revealing my bare chest. Butch started to kiss my neck and fondled my breast. "Mm......hmm...." I moaned softly. His giant hands on my chest, I blew up from pleasure. He slowly moved his head down to my chest and started licking, suckling, and nibbling. "MMM....HHMMMM......((HUFFS))" I cried out. I feel his hand remove my shorts and panties. I head for his hand to stop him but, its to late. His hand is pumping in my pussy and I couldn't control myself. My moans got louder and sexy to Butch he just smiled and snickered. "AHH....MMM...AHH MMM....AHH!" I tried to stay quiet, so I bit my lip. I closed my eyes so I could stop screaming. Then Butch sat up and pulling me to his chest. I pop my eyes open and sees he has a smirk on his face. "B-Butch w-what's wit--" I was interpreted by him putting his  16 in dick in me. "AHH....AHH...AHHH...AHH." I cried. I wrapped my arms around his shoulders and was bouncing up and down. His dick getting harder and harder was driving me crazy. I looked Butch dead in the eyes. His forest green put me in a trance, where I couldn't stop moaning. I finally forced  enough willpower to say something to Butch. "A-are y-you just teasing me?!" I muscled out. Butch laughed "No this is me teasing you!" He then began to rotate in circles. My breath got hotter by holding it in for so long. My head slammed to his shoulder , panting as hard as I can. "S-stop you dick!" 
I muffled screamed. He put me down and went to overdrive. "AHH...A...AHH...AHHH!" I moaned. He than grabbed to headbroad, pounding hard in me. "Buttercup, I'm cumming !!" He told me, then exploded. "AHHHH UGHH!!!" We both screamed. He shot nine cum shots in my body. Panting, he pulled out. He passed out and I kissed him then passed out on his shoulder.
   --------FLASHBACK END---------
Blossom's POV

Buttercup's really scared about the situation. " Buttercup look at me. Do you want me to x-ray you to see you if you are p-pre-pregnant?" I stuttered.
"Please do!" She responded quickly. "Okay." I stared at her stomach and the used my x-ray vision to see. "Buttercup,'re .............pregnant." I slowly said. She turned her head to face me but no emotion was on it. "Go to see Butch, and tell him." I ordered. She nodded and said "Have a good date with Brick.!" As she flew out the window. My face dropped and I screamed. "OH MY FUCKING GOD, BRICK WAS ON HIS WAY!!"

I grabbed the makeup and chain and called his phone. ~ring-ring-ring~

"Omg Brick, sorry I didn't answer!"
"It's okay, I needed to do something anyway. I'll be there in ten minutes tops!"
"Okay see you soon." I hung up and sigh in relief.

Blossom will miss an opportunity for the date
Okay bye guys!!!!(●__●)

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