Let's go to battle....

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Babe's POV

~Dumbass Bastard "Okay, Butch what do you want me to do?" I asked worried. "I need you to protect Buttercup and can you take her some where far away from him's grath." He pleaded. I shook my head and grabbed Buttercup. I teleported me and her to my house on the other size of the world.

Blake's POV

As we watched Babe take B.C somewhere else. "Now what's the plan to save Blossom?" I asked. "Let's go." Butch said coldly. I grabbed Boomer and Bubbles. We were off and flew towards him's home dimension.

Blossom's POV

I'm in a dark room. I shiver in fear. A door opens and I flinched in fear what happens next. I can't whats in front of me. My adjusted to the light and I see a tall body and its staring at me. The tall man has red eyes like Brick's.~IS THAT BRICK?!?!~ The tall figure walks towards me and stares down on me. I gulp in fear and my eyes looks up to the crismon red eyes. My chest grew tight. The man grabbed my neck and lifted me up on the air. I screamed at the top of my lungs. "Now you will be with me in death." I looked down at the man and saw it was Brick. My eyes cried and I screamed and caused a sonic shriek. "Nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!" I broke the sound barrier. Brick dropped me and covered his ears. "Bitch, SHUT THE FUCK UP!!" Brick yelled and slapped me. I flew across the room and landed on debris. "Ugh....Brick you're supposed to be dead. How did you come back?" I struggle to say. "Ha....because my heart was pure but now I can see what was wrong with me. I had a mistake of loving you." He said in and cold tone.

----------TO BE CONTINUE--------

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