The disaster.....

441 21 6

Brick's POV

I get the reservation at The love diner, and got extra money to take her somewhere else after that. Then as I'm walking ...

Some lengeds are told
Some turn to dust, or to gold
But you will remember me-ee
Remember me for centuries

Blasts out me phone. ~Who's calling me?~. I check my phone and see its Blossom.

" OMG Brick, sorry I didn't answer!"

"It's okay, I needed to do something anyway. I'll be there ten minutes tops. Bye."
"Okay, See you soon red"

She hung up and I flew towards her house. I was humming 'Centuries' by Fall out Boy as I got closer to her house. I was two minutes from her house when I blinding light, flashes me in the eyes. "What the fuck, AAAHHH!!!!!" I screamed. I fell ten feet lower to the ground and hit a 18 wheeler. ((Thunk))

My leg hit the roof and I crashed to the ground. Blossom heard the impact and looked out her window. "What wa--  BRICK!!

ARE YOU OKAY?!?!" She flew towards me and helps me up. As she pulls me up , I quickly cringe in pain. "Brick, can you walk?" Blossom worried. "No, I messed my leg up bad." I grunted. I limp towards Blossom then falls. "Brick!" She reaches for me. I fell on top of her. I instantly blush. "Ugh.... Sorry Blossom!" I apologize. We got up and she's hugged me. "IM GLAD YOURE OKAY !" She cries. I hugged her back. "Let's get to your house." I said. She helped me to her house and set me on the couch. She x-rayed my leg. *sighs* "You don't have a broken leg." She said in relief. ~oh thank god~. I sigh. "Where's everyone?" I asked. "Oh, Bubbles went to a slumber party with her friends. Professor is in Miami for science  experiments. Buttercup.....ummm...... Went to see Butch about something." She answered.

"So you're here all alone til they all get back?" I questioned sadly. "Yes..but I'm not lonely at all." She blushed. I raised an eyebrow. "I have friends to call, or you." She smiles. I stand up and hugs her. I kiss her and that's when it went black.

Hey ButchxButtercup here.
Brick : Damn you, what you do to my body to black me out?!?
Me : Oh that bad ((giggles))
Brick : Ugh I swear!!! *fire ball forms in hand*
Me : BRING IT!!!! *Ice forms over my body*
Blossom : * bitch slaps us* STOP IT BOTH OF YOU!!!
Me : *holds cheek* okay Blossom no need to slap us!
Blossom : Want me to do it again?! *dark aura surrounds her*

ButchxButtercup  out!!

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