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Me: are they here?....no good
Hi guys I've been hiding from Butch. But this is the chapter he really turns into a c--
Me: He-here we go...(0_0)

Butch's POV

I flew to the room to see Babe waiting outside. "Shit...." She said as she saw me. I walked up to her , " Go to Buttercup's house...Blake is --" " BLAKE? WHAT HAPPENED?!?" She asked quick. " He is not in his body, his soul is lost." I said softly, she flew so fast it was a millisecond when she was at the house. I looked for the room Buttercup was in and I heard her scream. I ran in and I saw her panting and pushing. " Put this on!" A nurse gave me and mask and gown, I put it on and walked over to Buttercup. She was red and...........and cringing. "AAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!!!!" She yelled and I grabbed her hand. She looked at me and she gave me a look. "Bu-tch th-is hurts, a lot." She whined and I sighed. "I know but you have to get through this and be strong." I said. She looked in so much pain and I couldn't help but kiss her forehead. "Ma'am you need one more push, we have the head." The doctor said. She squeezed my hand as she push. Having superpowers, we have a lot of strength and she squeezed harder the a car crusher. I didn't mind the pain, it felt Like a bug bite. "AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!" She's screamed as she gave a big push. "And...ITS A GIRL!!!!!" the doctor said as we heard a little cry. The nurse took her to the table to clean her up. Buttercup let out pants and a faint smile. When I looked over at the baby, a powerful scream let out. I quickly looked at her again to see her cringing again. "WHATS WRONG?!?" I asked. "Oh...She's not done." Buttercup began pushing and crying hard. "THIS HURTS SO MUCH!!!" She cried and I grabbed the back of her head. "All you need to do is Push like the first one." I said looking her dead in the eyes. She had tears falling down her face, but she nodded and began taking quick breaths and pushed. "Something's wrong....." The doctor mumbled. I heard through superhearing. "WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU MEAN?!?!" I asked and looked at him. "I mean the baby isn't moving, nurse ultrasound it!" He ordered and one of them walked IP to her and placed the machine on her stomach. "The baby has the cord wrapped around its neck." He said. "WHAT?!?!?" she said quickly and starting hyperventilating. "HEYHEYHEYHEY, CALM DOWN. OKAY HOW DO WE FIX THIS?!?!?!" I asked. "A caesarean, is the only way." He said. She bagan crying harder. "Now!!!" I yelled and everyone moving her to the operating room. "Bu-tch.....get my st-epmom." Buttercup said. "I'm already here, now Butch I need you to call the family....now!" She said and I looked at Buttercup and walked out. I took out my phone and called the house.

You need to get everyone here!!!
Wait....calm down where are you!??!
Townsville Hospital. Buttercup has to have a caesarean.
Okay well be there soon! Bye!

They hung up and I walked back in the room to see Buttercup's stomach cut open. I gagged and and completely ran out the hospital. I barfed and was leaning on a tree. When I see Red and Pink streaks flying towards me. They landed. "Dude are you okay?" Brick asked. "N-no I saw Buttercup's stomach wide open....so I ran out." I panted and looked at them. "Is our mom in there?" Blossom asked. I nod and they walk in. I follow. We walk down the hall and saw their mom. "Mom, what happened?!?" Blossom asked.


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