Are we back or lost the battle?

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hey guys sorry for being gone for so long i stopped writing for wattpad for test but since thats over i can write my stories again and update more, and im writing on a new deivce so if its weird im sorry ....BACK TO THE STORY LINE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Boomer's POV

I checked Blake's pulse, there's no pulse. "BUTCH!!!! BLAKE HAS NO FUCKING PULSE!!!!!" I screamed. Butch limped over and x-rayed Blake's chest. His heart veins were disconnected from his heart. "OH SHIT!! BUBBLES HELP!!!!!!!!!" Butch yelled. She ran to Blake and opened his chest, by cutting a hole where his heart was. She was quick and reconected his veins and his heart. "We need something that causes electrify currents!" Bubbles said. I placed my hand on Blake's chest and gave him an 100 volt pulse. "One more should do it!" Butch said. This time I gave him a 200 volt pulse. Blake shot his eyes open and begin the breathe. Bubbles smiled and cried her eyes out. "BLAKE IM SO HAPPY YOURE ALIVE, YOU WERE SO CLOSE TO BEING GONE!!!" She cried. "What happend to me? Did we get them back?" Blake asked helplessly. I walked to Brick's body to see it moivng for breathes but his hair was still the wrong color. Blossom's body wasn't moving to take in breathes. I walk closer to her, and saw her eyes, her usual hot pink color. "Blossom?" I asked. Her body rose and looked at me, "B-boo-mer, Bubbl-es, Butch, Blake" She said low. I cried as i hugged her. "YOURE BACK!!" I smiled and gleamed. " Brick okay?" she asked worried.

Blossom's POV

I woke up to the sound of Boomer's voice....but I remember is  me and Brick waking up, then passing out again. "Brick......WHERE'S BRICK!?!??!?!?!??" I asked. "He's right...." Bubbles started but stopped. Brick was standing up and coughing up lots blood. "Brick." I whispered. He looked at me, then he fell to the ground. "BRICK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" We all called and I flew to him the quickest. I held his head in my lap and cried happily. HIs eyes were closed but he was breathing unevenly, his skin was pale and he had blood staibning his mouth and clothes. "We need to get him to the professor before, anything happens. Blossom?" Bubbles asked. We walked up to her to see her smiling as Brick moved his eyes slighty open. Butch and Blake grabbed Brick and we flew to our father's house. Butch knocked on the door and our new mother opened the door. " GIRLS WHAT HAPPENED.....WHE-" " MOM WHERES DAD?!?!?!?" Bubbles asked quick and straight to the point. " Hes in his lab..GO FIX BRICK!!!!!" she said strenly. We ran up to the lab and busted down the door. " DAD WE NEED YOU TO HELP BRICK NOW!!!!!!!" I screamed out. "Hurry place him on the table and I'll fix him up." Dad said. We placed him on the table, Butch went to contact Babe and Buttercup. Boomer tried to talk to Bubbles but she kept running away. Boomer gave up and went out the window to the roof. "Bubbles why are you doing that to him???" I asked. "He's not my Boomie, he's a monster. One I don't want to be near." She said. I heard Boomer gasp and fly off crying. "BOOMER!!!!!' I called out to him but all i saw was a navy blue light through the sky. I looked at Bubbles and walked away..

Boomer's POV

What shes said ringed in my mind and wouldn't go away. "He's a monster, one I don't want to be near." I flew to a waterfall and sat there for hours. I guess they got worried cause they called my phone 30 times. I ignored all of them, the last one was different.

A single word that's from the heart and keeps it real.

Rang out. I looked at my phone to see it was Bubbles calling. I answered.


Boomer where are you?

Why do you want to know?



Boomer what do you mean?

WHAT DOES IT SOUND LIKE? THE 'MONSTER' DOESNT CARE WHAT OTHERS THINK!*crushes phone and throws it with the waterfall*

I looked at my wallet and see the picture of me and Bubbles, the first year I asked her out. I cried silently and looked at the water. "Bubbles......Im not a monster." I leaned forward and....


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