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Tyler shows Rose the way to the kitchen. She's amazed by everything around her. The luxuriously beautiful cutleries and the architecture of the food house are beyond impressive. Anyone would love to cook in a kitchen like this, she thinks.

"Pay attention everyone," Tyler speaks, getting the attention of every worker.

"She is Rose Stephany, here to give an on-field test."

"The planning manager is bound to discuss the dish to be cooked today, and she's going to make the same."

He turns to her, looks at her with a professional expression, and speaks again,

"Whatever the food is, you're obliged to make it within one hour and thirty minutes. At sharp nine, King will sit in the dining hall, and the food shall be severed."

"Yes." Rose returns the same professional energy.

The atmosphere silences for a while.

"I'm leaving you from here." He speaks. A strange concern is dipped in his voice. Rose smiles and turns to her soon-to-be-colleagues if she'll be selected, of course.

Tyler looks at her. With a hint of compunction in his eyes, he walks away.

"Hello, everyone!" Rose greets with a smile on her face.

A man, in his mid-thirties, comes forward. He extends his hand, which has a tattoo of some dragon. Rose extends her hand to shake and eyes the dragon for a while. Well, maybe because it's not very usual for any organization to hire someone whose ink is flashing too obviously.

"Nice meeting you, Rose. I'm the Manager here."

"Nice to meet you too." She takes her hand back into her territory.

"You can take that place," He speaks pointing behind Rose, she turns around and sees a separate shelf.

"Everyone get back to your work!" He orders, slightly irritatedly.

"To your shelf, Miss." He says and Rose quickly nods. They move to her shelf and he speaks again.

"The meal to be cooked today is lasagna with tons of different vegetables chopped and cooked in proportionate value. King has a good eye on the number of calorie intake."

"The beans, capsicum, corn, peas, and carrot are in the refrigerator over there," He points to the right, at the medium-sized refrigerator in bright grey colour.

"He wants seeds in his diet every time and you have to be creative here, he doesn't like eating them, but he wants them, it's mandatory. You have to hide the seeds somewhere in his meal, and chances of getting selected are more if he couldn't find them." Rose successfully punches her laughter down while listening to him. She has never met someone this conscious of his diet.

Interesting, she thinks.

"Ending with a light dessert, something creamy he prefers. You're going to decide it on your own."

"About the dinner of other members, we will take care of it. You are going to cook for our King only, today." He finishes.

Rose nods, the manager takes a few steps before stopping and turning around.

"You'll find every ingredient over there, straight inside that way!" With this said, he leaves Rose.

"Get your butt in, lady!" She hears him saying to a woman standing and blocking the way of the marathon site of the kitchen.

Rose shakes her head and turns around.

Without wasting any time, she starts with the seeds. She roasts them carefully and crushes them afterwards, ensuring they're in complete powder form.

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