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Alexia Marie Hoodman, twin sister to Hayden Hoodman, daughter of Miranda and Kenneth. Her and her brother were born in the early morning of December 28th, her brother being born five minutes before her. The two have always stuck together, as muggles say, like two peas in a pod. The two, and another mutual friend of theirs, would do a lot of things together.

Homework (that was mostly given to the twins by Kenneth), sneak out to the village a distance away, play quidditch (sometimes with their mother), read the books stacked in their library and so much more. Most of that was supposed to fit into the spare time they had in-between their training sessions that took up almost half of their day.

Their father, Kenneth, has always been harsh on them since they reached the suited age to begin training their magic. Each task was gruesome, the next could be less or much worse than the last. He would let them embrace dark magic and exposed them to it at a very young age, an example being making them watch as he performed the killing curse on his own father at the age of three

Kenneth was a You-Know-Who supporter, one of his most loyal followers. He was ready to be his right-hand man when he reigns but that dream was short-lived when You-Know-Who supposedly died and those who were known as 'Death Eaters' fell. He was able to get back on the Ministry's good side but never gave up on the dark arts and their vision to rid the world of those who are known to them as 'mudbloods'.

He kept telling his children that their family was the most powerful one out there, that they were better than the others. He only let then associate with well known and respected families, only purebloods and no one else. He taught them the importance of blood purity right from the moment they learned to speak and listen.

It had worked on them, they listened to what he spoke as if it were the gospel and obeyed it. That was until Miranda decided to show them that muggles, muggleborns and half-bloods were no different from them, and took them to a village a distance away and then it became a normal thing for them, always promising to never let their father find out.

But one day, the twins were reckless and left without their mother's knowledge and their father ended up finding out, which resulted in severe punishment and banishment from ever visiting it again. They were able to find a way around it though but each time they were found loitering around or caught out of the house, they were in for it.

That's how their childhood went, all until one cool September afternoon. Hayden asked Alex to cover for him until lunch time when their father would arrive. She was reluctant at first, not wanting to bear the pain of her father's punishment in case they were caught but after a while, she agreed to after he offered her some treats. They never knew what would happen that day would change their lives for the next few years.

Alex and Miranda were the only people left in the manor, Miranda was preparing lunch for the family while Alex sat in her bedroom doing some leisure reading as she kept an eye and ear out for her brother. Her focus would shift from her book to her watch. She checked it one last time, 12:45, five minutes to Hayden's return and her anxiety became low and she became less paranoid.

She waited to hear the front door close, signaling her brother's return but all she heard was a loud deep voice yelling out her and her brother's name. "ALEXIA, HAYDEN. COME DOWN HERE". She didn't move, paralyzed with fear, head swarming with cover ups and excuses. Hands shaking, she closed her book and headed downstairs silently praying that her brother returned earlier than expected.

She found her parents in the living room, her father pacing the room while swinging his cane around while her mother tried to calm him down. "You called father" she spoke "Yes, but your sluggishness took you five decades to respond to it" Kenneth spat "And I suppose you corrupted your brother because it seems like he didn't even hear me when I called him-" "What is the matter Kenneth" Miranda spoke up interrupting any other insult that dared slip from his tongue

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