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Cold, it was very cold.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY" Alex heard someone yell- no, some people yell. "WAKE UP!" There it was again, the cold feeling. When she opened her eyes and awakened her senses, she realized the coldness that surrounded her. "Why you little shits" she said once she sat up

"Happy birthday little witch" Fred and George smiled at her "You're sixteen now" "I hate you both" the girl said as she sat up "Where's Theodore" "He's with Hayden right now, I think he'll be here soon" Fred answered and on cue, Theodore rushed in, Hayden following closely behind "Happy birthday dear maiden" the boy kissed her cheek

"How come you didn't pour water on him" She pointed at her brother "They did, with hints of ice" Hayden told her "Ouch, okay, all of you out. I want to get dressed." Alex pushed Theodore off her bed "Don't take too long little witch" George spoke as he and his brother left along with Hayden 

"I'm older than you now, respect me- you too Theo" She looked at the boy who was now lying on her bed. "Me too what" "Out. Now" she pointed at the door "I'm good, besides, I bet you'll need some company" "THEODORE" "Okay okay, I'm going" He got up and gave her a kiss on the cheek before leaving.

She dried her bed and got ready for the day. When she left the dorms, she found the rest waiting outside. "Took you long enough-" "Don't start with me Gred" she looked at George "Ouch" "Who's ready for breakfast, I'm in the mood for pancakes" Hayden threw his arm over his sister's shoulder

"What do you say sis" "I'm in the mood for cake" she shrugged "Then let's begin the festivities" Theo separated them and put his arms over both their shoulders. The five made their way to the great hall and began the morning with donuts Fred and George stole from the kitchens.

In the middle of their breakfast, a small box was delivered to the table, landing in front of Alex. "A gift, from who" she held it up "Is there something you wish to tell your man dear little witch" Fred asked her "What are you insinuating, Weasley" she asked him "That you may have a-" before he even finished his sentence, he was hit in the face with a donut.

"That's what I thought" she said before opening it. "What in the world" she pulled out a bunch of candy "You sure you don't have any distant relatives, aunts or uncles" George asked "We're technically related to every pureblood family out there so" Hayden shrugged

"You want to share" she gave him some "It is OUR birthday so of course" he grabbed a handful. "I see- ooh mint" he was just about to take a bite when- "Incendio" Theodore spoke and all the candy in his hand was burned to a crisp. "What the hell man-" "Incendio" the candy in Alex's hand also got burned and then he pulled the box away from both of them.

"Theo, what'd you do that for" "Are you two blind" he said "Look for at least a name, signature or something before you eat anything" he showed them the inside of the lid of the box and they froze. "'Happy birthday twins' Okay, this seems like a distant uncle or something-" "T-that's our father's handwriting" Alex said 

"What" the red-headed twins asked "Reducto" Hayden waved his wand and the box, along with all its contents, turned into dust. "That was a close one" "But- but I thought- Mum-" Alex stuttered "I guess she wasn't able to intercept this one" Theo sighed "So why would he send candy, to poison us or what" Hayden complained "No one knows, and I don't want to know" Alex shook her head

"Let's get out of here, I'm tired of breakfast now" "Don't you want to finish your cake at least" Hayden asked "No" she answered as she left the great hall "Wait up" Theodore followed her out , Hayden following suit. "Calm down princess, stressed is not a good look on you." The boy told his girlfriend.

"I have an idea. Hayden and Alex can get us into the prefect's bathroom and we have a party there. Sort of like a pool party, what do you say" Fred suggested "That doesn't sound bad" Hayden answered "Because it isn't" George added "And we can get food from the kitchens, put a 'Do not disturb' or 'Occupied' sign on the door and boom" his brother said.

𝕮𝖀𝕽𝕾𝕰𝕯 {𝐴 𝐶𝑒𝑑𝑟𝑖𝑐 𝐷𝑖𝑔𝑔𝑜𝑟𝑦 𝐹𝑎𝑛𝑓𝑖𝑐𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛}Where stories live. Discover now