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"Alexia, can you hear me?" a voice spoke to Alex. When there was no response, she was injected with some medicine that woke her up almost immediately.

"Finally, you're awake," Dr. Shinseye said as the girl sat up. "Why is it so bright? What time is it?" Alex asked as she sat up and put on her glasses before wincing from the brightness around her.

"It's noon the next day, you've been out for fourteen hours," Hayden responded as he shifted in his chair. "Fourteen hours? How is that possible?" she asked.

"You missed all the fun. Potter and his friends were brought in about an hour after you got here, then Sirius black was caught but then he escaped, Snape threw a huge fit after all that.

Oh! And Chang was 'mysteriously' poisoned last night, she was brought in this morning looking blue in the face, literally," her brother explained. "You know, I'd have burst out laughing if I wasn't having a splitting headache," Alex responded.

"Thank the twins for that when you get out of here. Also, during your little escapade with Potter and Co, you found out about professor Lupin, right?" he asked

"About him being a werewolf? Yeah, I knew. He went feral last night once I let go of him, I wish I could've held onto him until we were in his office but, like I said, dementors are a bitch!" she said.

"So it was the dementors that caused the breakdown!" Dr. Shinseye spoke as he took a sip from his cup, "Please don't mind me, continue your banter."

"Where is everyone?" Alex asked, "Marissa and the girls are back at the dorms, Maxwell and Theodore went to get us some breakfast, Benjamin is with Cedric who are a few beds away, the twins are torturing Ron with his injured leg," Hayden said.

"That's nice, I feel like my head is about to be split in two. Doctor is this a side effect of the medicine?" she inquired.

"I'm yet to check and see. I'm still giving your body some time to adjust to it. You took the medicine when you were still in distress, so it gave you a migraine. Just give it some time to settle and hopefully it will reduce,"

"I'm going to speak to your nurse for a while, don't do anything reckless while I'm away," Dr. Shinseye said and left the room. "The world is so chaotic, can I just go back to sleep?" Alex sighed as she reclined onto the bed.

"You've just woken up and now you want to go back?" a voice asked. "Little hermit crab! You came to see me," Alex said as she stifled a yawn.

"After your episode, we were all a bit concerned even though there was a lot going on. Mostly professor Lupin" the younger girl explained as she sat on the bed next to her. She looked tired, her clothes were rugged and dirty from the adventures of the previous evening.

"I'll get better with time. How's the rest of the dream team, except Ronald obviously," she asked. "Oh, Harry is doing okay. Even though he won't get to live with Sirius anytime soon since he's on the run.

Professor Lupin is in his office recovering from last night, Professor Snape is in a mood. After the whole ordeal last night, he's in an even more unbearable mood," Hermione explained, "Aside from that, are you better? The dementors seem to have done a number on you!"

"I'm okay little hermit crab, you don't need to worry so much," Alex told her. "Right! And the fact that we're going home in two days, you can get more help from there," she stated, and the air got colder.

Alex's face turned and a sad distant look was on her face, Hayden was just taken aback before speaking up, "Right! She'll get what she'll require. Anyways-"

"Little witch, you're awake!" George exclaimed as he approached her bed, along with Fred and Alex's mood changed, a big smile on her face.

"My favourite twins! It's been so long!" she said and sat up. "Yeah, you decided to go and almost end your life and never even thought about us. Who would assist us in breaking the rules, huh?" Fred asked as he poked her forehead.

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⏰ Last updated: May 22 ⏰

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