THREE (third year)

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Mr. Diggory, stay behind after the end of the lesson” Snape’s voice echoed throughout the classroom catching the brown-haired boy off guard. “Yes, professor” he answered and went back to his potion. “Someone’s in trouble” Theodore teased “Shut up and help me finish this potion” he told his friend “What do you think he’ll scold you for” “Talking if you don’t shut up and help me” “Calm down” Theodore told him and they went back to studying.

After the lesson, Theodore nudged his friend and gave him a thumbs up before following his friends out. Cedric packed his books and walked towards the professor’s desk. “You asked to see me, professor” “Yes, I suppose you are aware of your previous gradings in my class. Since your first year, you have had a poor performance and normally I would not bother myself with this but your father has taken it upon himself to request I get you a mentor to improve on your skills.

Speak to Ms. Hoodman about your mentorship schedule and I will test you at the end of the next month to see if it does you any good” “I will, professor” “Good, now off you go” Cedric hurried out of the classroom and found his friends waiting for him outside. "Well, when’s your first detention” Max asked him “I don’t have any detention, unlike you three, I don’t do anything illegal” he told him

“So, why did the old bat ask you to stay behind” Theo asked him “My grades are that bad, my dad asked him to get me a mentor and intends to test me at the end of next month” “Oh, so who’s the lucky student” Ben nudged him “Hoodman, the girl” Cedric sighed and the three gasped audibly. “After two years of hiding, you finally get to face your fear of being hexed” Theo laughed “I asked you to help me get on her good graces but you told me you’d rather stay out of it”

“Because knowing her, I’d rather stay out of it” he defended himself “But don’t worry, she doesn’t use the more complicated ones. Just a quick stun and then you’re on to more pressing matters, your grades” Ben laughed "You’re all gits” Cedric sighed “Well, I’m going to see her right now, you can tag along if you’re that desperate” Theo told him “Better now than never” “We’re with you all the way, mate” Max laughed as he and Ben left the two behind

“You really think she’ll hex me after two years” Cedric asked Theo “I can’t be sure, the only way to know is to test the waters. So, shall we?” Before Cedric even got the chance to answer, Theodore was already dragging him away from the dungeons and towards the courtyard. “Finally, he shows. Where have you-” Hayden stopped when he saw who he was dragging.

“Where’s my maiden” Theo asked him “Real question is, why is he here” he pointed at Cedric. “That’s why I’m looking for my maiden” he answered “She’s on her way, she went to give Marissa her notes back” Hayden told him and on cue, Alex rushed towards them. “I’m late sorry” she stopped to take a breather “No worries dear”  Theo told her “You have a visitor” he pushed Cedric forward “Hello” he spoke nervously and she narrowed her eyes at him “Well well, you finally show your face” she laughed “What do you want” “Well, the thing is, professor Snape told me to come and ask for your assistance” he cleared his throat

“Assistance in what” “Potions class, he told me to ask you to help me improve my grades” “And why should I help you” she stood right in front of him. “After you almost blinded me” “I knew you would bring it up so I’m giving you the chance to get back at me” he told her and she smirked “Fine” he closed his eyes ready to brace whatever spell she threw at him but when it never came, he peeked and saw her shaking her head.

“I’m not going to hex you” “You’re not” “Not yet” she corrected herself “I’ll help you, but only because I want to get on Snape’s good side. But it also gives me the perfect opportunity to get back at the right time” she held out her hand and he shook it skeptically. “Your maiden is shaking another fellow’s hand and you sit here doing nothing, and I thought you really did have feelings for her” Hayden whispered to Theodore who laughed.

𝕮𝖀𝕽𝕾𝕰𝕯 {𝐴 𝐶𝑒𝑑𝑟𝑖𝑐 𝐷𝑖𝑔𝑔𝑜𝑟𝑦 𝐹𝑎𝑛𝑓𝑖𝑐𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛}Where stories live. Discover now