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"For the last time Marissa, Incarcerous is for the ropes tying someone up. Immobulus renders your victim immobile. Incendio, fire-" Alex told her friend "To clear things up, those are the only letter 'I' spells right" Marissa asked

"-Impervius makes you waterproof. Imperio is the unforgivable controlling curse-" "I guess not" She sighed as the girl continued naming spells. "DADA and Charms are a nightmare" Amelia groaned, the book flying out of her hands and onto the floor

"Then you haven't met the monster called History of Magic which we have to deal with after this. I'm gonna die here" Katrina sighed, her head falling on the table. "Can you girls focus? We are two weeks away from the exams and we need to focus." Alex spoke

"Great mindset Miss. Hoodman, but I'll need to drag you away from your discussion for a moment" a familiar voice made the girls turn their attention away from their books and towards professor McGonagall. "And please hurry, we don't want to waste a lot of your time"

"Okay professor. Go through letters J to Z until I get back" she told them and followed the older woman out of the library and towards her office where professors Dumbledore, Snape and Flitwick were waiting for her.

"Is something the matter professors" she asked, taking a seat at one of the desks "It has come to our attention that you attacked one of the students recently, a Miss Chang to be more precise" Snape spoke and she had never felt as much bloodlust as she had at that moment.

"I beg your pardon professor" she tried to fake a smile "Were you the one who attacked Miss Chang in the corridor last week" Flitwick asked "To be fair professor, many students have been attacked in the school corridors, multiple by magic. How is this case any different" the girl asked

"Miss Hoodman, I understand what you're trying to imply but your act of violence caused a lot of panic at the moment and unlike all those other cases, yours was directly reported to the headmaster" McGonagall spoke

That little bitch Alex thought "And it only seems fit to punish you accordingly. I shall leave the punishments to Severus and Filius" Dumbledore spoke "I would suggest detention for the remaining weeks at school" Flitwick suggested

"And I suggest that her leadership is revoked until further notice" Snape said "Understood" Alex muttered "You'll be having your detentions after classes and after your last paper of the day" Flitwick told her

"That is all. Just leave your badge behind and you can go" Alex unpinned her badge from her robes and left it on the desk before walking out. Red, all she saw was red. She didn't mind if she got suspended or expelled at this point, she wanted someone to hurt and she didn't want it to be her again.

The discussion she was having a few minutes ago no longer existed in her mind, she even pushed away the fact that they might be going crazy after losing track but she didn't care. She spotted the happy couple along with Ben, Maxwell and Theo.

"Hey it's Alex. Al-" the flash of light sent in their direction made him and everyone else pause but luckily, it was dodged and the pillar behind them exploded. "Oh shit" "You little bitch. I don't think I made myself clear enough the last time"

"Alex, calm down okay-" "Don't you tell me shit. I'm going to kill her" "I told you Ced, she's crazy" Cho told the older boy "Yes I'm crazy, and I'm going to murder you then get sent to a mental asylum. Get out of the way Theodore" Alex pointed the wand at her boyfriend

"I don't want to hurt you" "Calm down little witch and just tell us what happened" Ben said standing next to Theo "Unless your last name is Weasley, I am Alex to you. Understood me Benjamin" Alex glared at the boy and he gulped before nodding.

𝕮𝖀𝕽𝕾𝕰𝕯 {𝐴 𝐶𝑒𝑑𝑟𝑖𝑐 𝐷𝑖𝑔𝑔𝑜𝑟𝑦 𝐹𝑎𝑛𝑓𝑖𝑐𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛}Where stories live. Discover now