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"Presents, presents, presents" Fred and George chanted as the five sat in the classroom, boxes surrounding the both of them as they prepared to open them. "Present time, the best time of the year. I am so excited" Hayden said "Can you three keep it down, I'm having a bad headache over here" Alex groaned "That's what you get for finishing all your firewhiskey in hopes of receiving a new supply this morning" "You want to start with me idiot" she raised her wand, pointing it at him. 

"Calm down Al, don't get too feisty" Theo patted the girl on her head "Let's all just enjoy our hot chocolate and open the presents" "Fine, but only because you said so" she sighed before taking a sip from her mug "Love, yuck" Hayden gagged "Says you 'Marissa darling, I miss you so much, I feel like I might die', wasn't that you a few seconds ago" Fred teased "Don't get me started on you Freddie" the boy threatened "I saw you sneak into that room cupboard with a certain Gryffindor" "HE DID WHAT" the other three gasped, Alex spilling her hot chocolate on Theodore 

"I am so sorry" she panicked pulling out her wand drying his clothes "That stung" the boy winced "I'll get you back for this" "Let us not look past the fact that my brother was snogging someone" George spoke up "Who was it, tell us" "I have no idea what you're talking about" Fred denied Hayden's statement as he picked up his first present and opened it "Al, this one belongs to you" Theo threw a small box at her head. "Okay, if anyone annoys me one last time, I will bite you, try me" the girl threatened 

"You love us too much" Hayden scoffed as the girl opened the box. "A necklace" she held it up as she looked at it. "Alex has an admirer" her brother sang "Excuse you" Theodore grabbed the box to check it "It's my present, you should have thought twice before throwing it at me" she grabbed it back and smacked the backside of his head. She picked up the letter that was on the bottom of the box before throwing it back at him. "Since you wanted it so badly" "Show me the letter woman" he ordered but she paid him no mind as she read it to herself.

Before I go very far, don't throw the necklace away, I spent a lot of money on it. And don't start with your 'no one told you to' things, I wanted to. So one day, I was walking around Hogsmeade after dark to make sure everyone left and I stumbled across this jewelry on display. And with my high level of intelligence, I found a way to get you a birthday and Christmas present at once. That time Maxwell had us do a photoshoot on the astronomy tower for the album he was making for us, I managed to steal your picture from then and put it inside that locket. And even though Theo swipes it, he'll know it's from one of us. I'm a genius right, make sure you shower me with praise when you see me again. Merry Christmas and happy birthday Lexi

-your favourite partner in crime😊

"This guy" she laughed before burning the letter "You witch, I was supposed to read that" her boyfriend complained "Deal with it chipmunk" she pinched his cheek before putting the locket on "How do I look, two necklaces sure do make your neck heavy" "Would have looked better if I was the one who bought it" Theo complained again "Shut up, I see a present from Ben, and I think it's the sneakers I asked for" "Theodore, did you get your girlfriend anything. Because she's receiving a lot of gifts from males except the main male himself" George asked 

"I did, but she'll have to wait" the boy crossed his arms "What is it, tell me" the girl asked excitedly "Open your gifts from your other men first" "They are literally our friends you moron. Plus, if you show it to me now, you can have me for the rest of the day" she said the last part seductively into his ear and he smirked "Oh really" he asked and she nodded "Tempting, but no. Wait until evening hours, that's when I'll show it to you" he kissed her on the cheek and started opening even more presents. 

"Alex, you'll never believe who this present is from" Hayden spoke as he looked at the tag on the big present "The Weird sisters" "Mother" "What" her head snapped towards him so quickly, one would think her neck almost snapped. "It's from mother, mum sent us a present" the boy said excitedly. "Well open it you dingbat" Alex and Theodore told him "You're not twins, how did you do that" George asked "We have our own connection" Theo shrugged as the twins ripped open their present. The first thing they found on top of the box underneath the wrapping paper was a letter addressed to the three of them. 

𝕮𝖀𝕽𝕾𝕰𝕯 {𝐴 𝐶𝑒𝑑𝑟𝑖𝑐 𝐷𝑖𝑔𝑔𝑜𝑟𝑦 𝐹𝑎𝑛𝑓𝑖𝑐𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛}Where stories live. Discover now