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TW: Self harm and blood

"Hayden, what is going on" Marissa asked the boy "Marissa, first relax-" "No, don't tell me to relax. How would you feel if you woke to your best friend bleeding as if she were on the verge of death?" "Marissa, please listen to me" Hayden took the girl's red shaking hands in his own

"I'm going to tell you everything, I swear. But please, let's first make sure that Alex is okay" "I'm so scared" she hugged the boy and cried on his shoulder.

Marissa had woken up in the middle of the night to use the bathroom but on turning on the light, she spotted Alex, curled up on the ground. She was unconscious and bleeding from her arms. She tried to wake the girl up but after realizing that she wouldn't, she rushed to Hayden for help.

Although he had been woken up from a very deep slumber, the blood he saw on the girl's hands and clothes made him even forget that he had just come from sleep, rushing to his sister's room and rushing her to the hospital wing.

"Miss Lendecraf, are you sure you do not know what could've caused this" Professor McGongall asked "I'm telling you professor, I don't know. I didn't even see her yesterday after our last paper" the girl told the woman

"I told Dumbledore that he should have let that misdemeanor slide now look at what I have to deal with! What am I even going to tell her mother?" Snape muttered angrily "We can worry about that later but for now, we need to make sure she's alive." McGonagall went to where Madame Pomfrey was.

"How is she Poppy?" "She's stable now. Luckily I still had some blood left from the previous time I got blood from St. Mungo's. Had it not been her blood type, she'd already be at St. Mungo's right now" the woman explained.

"When do you think she'll wake up" "Let's wait until the morning. Could you please call her brother and friend in" "Okay" the professor called for the two who rushed into the room.

"I reckon you two are going to stay here with her, right?" Madame Pomfrey asked them "Of course we are" Hayden answered "Good, please come for me if there is any change, anything at all" she said and they nodded.

The three adults left the room and the two sat down on either side of her. It was quiet for a while, Marissa holding Alex' hand as she cried and Hayden just sat there looking at his sister's unconscious body before speaking up.

"At the beginning of the school year-" he started "-we got a letter from our mother. She was telling us about our father's escape from Azkaban" "He- he escaped?" Marissa asked "Yes, at the same time as Sirius Black. Surprisingly, no one in the ministry knows till date and he's been staying at home ever since"

"Is that why you never went home for Christmas?" she asked "Mum told us not to go home at all, not to send her any letters, not to try to contact her at all, all for the sake of having sound minds the whole year.

That greatly affected Alex since Mum is like her stronghold. She slowly started to lose it, even Theodore didn't know what to do at a point. This is the second time that I- I've seen so much blood" Hayden said as he traced lines over his sister's bandaged arm.

"Only this time, the damage is self-inflicted" "Can I ask something, what exactly happened that made her like this" Marissa inquired "It's easy, she wasn't planned for" He said and chuckled

"You know how they say that there's always that one twin no one planned for. Father wanted only a boy but when he heard that they were twins, he knew there'd be two boys, which has never happened in the entire Hoodman lineage.

But when Alex was born, his disappointment was evident. He had even refused to change the second name idea that he had come up with but mum was able to convince him to change it from Alexander to Alexandria and then finally Alexia so as to suit her, but he still didn't like the fact that he had a daughter.

𝕮𝖀𝕽𝕾𝕰𝕯 {𝐴 𝐶𝑒𝑑𝑟𝑖𝑐 𝐷𝑖𝑔𝑔𝑜𝑟𝑦 𝐹𝑎𝑛𝑓𝑖𝑐𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛}Where stories live. Discover now