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"This is the shrieking shack," Hermione stated as she exited the tunnel, entering a run-down building. She came to her conclusion when she surveyed the area and looked out of the window, getting a view of hogsmeade from one of the windows.

"Sweet, I've always wanted to enter this place!" Alex commented as she took a look around. The floor of the building was wooden and looked unstable, the wallpaper seemed rotten and was peeling off the walls. 

There were scratch marks everywhere, on the floor, on the walls, window frames and even the broken furniture had them. For a building that was haunted by ghosts, it seemed as though a savage beast went wild in here.

Alex was entranced by the scenery that she didn't realize that she was about to step into a gaping hole in the floor, had Harry not pulled her back by the hood of her hoodie.

"Thanks for that!" Alex said and she stared at the hole. The wood looked like it had been broken by a very strong force, so strong that it looked like the wood had been cut through by a sharp object.

The broken wood had some sharp ends and Alex couldn't pull her gaze away from it. "I see the paw-prints of the dog, it went this way!" Hermione called out, snapping Alex out of her trance.

It was then that she realized that she had gotten closer to the hole and she quickly stood up before backing away quickly. Get yourself together Alexia! She mentally scolded herself before following the two up the stairs.

They followed a trail made on the dusty floors, small smudges or dots of fresh-looking blood proving that the path would surely lead them to their friend and the beast. 

They ended up at an open bedroom where they found Ron sitting on an old and ragged mattress laying on the floor. "Ron, you're okay!" Hermione exclaimed as she rushed to him.

"Where's the dog Ron?" Harry asked "It's him, Harry! He's the dog. He's an animagus!" the red-head said frantically. "Slow down Ron, what are you-"

"I think he's talking about Sirius Black," Alex mentioned as she pointed behind the door that was closing.

There was a rugged looking man adorned in a dirty and disorganized prison outfit. His hair unkempt, his face and clothes covered in dirt and a crazed smile plastered across his face.

They were face-to-face with the notorious mass murderer, Sirius Black, and Harry was boiling with rage. 

"This isn't how I planned my evening out of the hospital wing!" Alex complained as she pushed the two behind her as she backed up as well but Harry got out of her grasp and went to attack the man and after a struggle, was able to pin him to the floor and have him in a chokehold.

"You want to kill me Harry!" The man said, a smile still on his face as Harry pointed his wand at him. "Killing you is nothing compared to what you did to my parents," the boy spoke

"Harry, I suggest that you let him go. We can just hand him over so he can get the dementor's kiss," Alex suggested. "Harry, let him go," Hermione said and someone burst into the room and said aloud, "Expelliarmus".

Harry's wand flew out of his hand and into Professor Lupin's grasp, leaving the students frozen in shock. Harry withdrew to his friends as their teacher pointed his wand at the man on the floor.

"Well, well Sirius, looking rather ragged, aren't we?" Lupin said. "I think you know a thing or two about looking ragged Remus," Sirius said and then silence.

It wasn't long before Lupin helped him up. "Remus, my good friend, thank you for coming," Sirius spoke as he hugged the man

"He's here Remus, he's finally here." "Calm down Sirius," Lupin stated "Let's kill him-" Sirius had begun when Hermione abruptly yelled out, "Enough!" The two men paused and looked at her.

𝕮𝖀𝕽𝕾𝕰𝕯 {𝐴 𝐶𝑒𝑑𝑟𝑖𝑐 𝐷𝑖𝑔𝑔𝑜𝑟𝑦 𝐹𝑎𝑛𝑓𝑖𝑐𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛}Where stories live. Discover now