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Alex never thought she'd see the day that she would become friends with the person who nearly blinded her, the person that made number one on her brother's hit list, but the universe always tends to surprise people when they least expect it. He wasn't as bad as she thought, he was actually kind to her despite the loads of work she piled on top of him and the way she'd tease him whenever he'd fail.

Theodore was right in a way about him, and even Hayden warmed up to him after a few weeks of persuasion. Their study sessions started to prove useful after a month, and the true test was that day with Snape after Cedric's last lesson. Alex promised to wait for him outside the classroom to see the results fresh off the desk. She sat on a bench in the courtyard reading a book as she waited for the hour to pass.

She didn't keep track of time, still engrossed in her latest read, so she was a little bit late to meet up with Cedric after his test. "You always complain when I'm seconds late for our study sessions but you are minutes late to come see the result of your work" Cedric tutted as she made her way toward him "Complain all you want, I'm all ears" she rolled her eyes playfully "Thank you, do you know-" "What did you get" she interrupted

"Let me complain first" he hid the paper "I will walk away and you'll never see me again" "Fine" he handed it to her "From Dreadful to an Acceptable" "This is mockery, how did you not get an exceeds expectations. We literally went through all these questions" she asked skimming through the test "I don't know what went wrong, but at least it's a passing grade" he said

"At least. Well then, looks like my work here is done. I receive my payment in cash please" she handed him back his paper "That is theft. You can't charge a friend for doing a good deed" Cedric told her as they walked out of the dungeons "You clearly don't know your roommates very well. Except Maxwell, he's the only kindhearted one" Alex pointed out

"What about me" "You won't even pay me for the good work I did, I doubled your usual grade" she said "Besides, we weren't even friends at the beginning of this-" "But we became friends eventually. So, I'm not paying you a single knut" he corrected "Injustice, you will have to speak with my lawyer" she crossed her arms and the book she was holding fell down 

"What is this" he picked it up " 'Married to money' So you want to marry for money" "No, it's a book title as you can see" Alex corrected "It's about a woman who married to get out of financial debt" "That sounds like a nice read, can I borrow it" He asked "Will you return it" "Probably" "Then allow me to make a copy first since this is my mother's" she took it back and two copies appeared in her hand

"Woah, you have wandless magic" "Yeah, runs in the family. Here you go" she handed it to him "Do I have a due date" "Yes, before you die" "I'll be sure to return it before I die" he laughed "Now, this is where I leave you. Don't let your grades drop, please" Alex told him "I promise, and if they do, you can drop as much work on me as you wish" Cedric responded "Don't make me promises you can't keep"

"So you do have faith in me" he smiled "Get lost, I have a Halloween feast to prepare for" she shoved him "See you later, Alex" he waved and walked away from her. She walked up a few more floors until she reached the astronomy tower where she found Theodore waiting for her "You better have a good reason for making me walk all the way here Theo" she spoke and he instantly turned around "Finally, where have you been" he pulled her towards the railings

"Helping your friend pass potions" she answered "I must say I am proud of my work" "Sure. Now, my fair maiden, what I wanted to show you is very important to your astronomy grade" "Then show away" she said taking out her book. They were up there for a while before heading back to the dungeons together and split ways later going back to their respective dorms. After an hour of complaining with her roommates, the four girls made their way to the great hall for the feast. 

𝕮𝖀𝕽𝕾𝕰𝕯 {𝐴 𝐶𝑒𝑑𝑟𝑖𝑐 𝐷𝑖𝑔𝑔𝑜𝑟𝑦 𝐹𝑎𝑛𝑓𝑖𝑐𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛}Where stories live. Discover now