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"Theodore, we need to get to Transfiguration" Alex told the boy pushing him off her. "Oh come on, just a few more minutes" he smirked pushing her hair to the side and started to kiss down her neck "No-" "Just calm down Al" "McGonagall won't be happy if I miss her lesson" the girl told him "You won't miss it. Now stay quiet, it's hard to please you when you're always talking" he moved his lips from her neck down to her collarbone. She groaned and ran her hands through his hair pulling him closer to her as his grip on her waist tightened a little bit. 

After a few more minutes, the two of them organized themselves and left the bathroom rushing to their next class. Luckily, they got to class with only a few more minutes to spare. "What did I tell you, we're here on time" Theo whispered once they were seated "Shut up. Next time, find me after my class ends. There, you'll have enough time and I won't talk as much" she whispered to him and kissed his cheek before quickly facing the front as the professor walked in.

During the lesson, a paper plane landed on her book and when she looked up, her brother was pointing at it. She opened it and read what it said

And you called me nasty, blehh

She rolled her eyes and wrote a quick reply and timed before sending it back his way

I haven't reached your level of nasty you moron

She could see the smirk on his face as he wrote down his reply and the paper plane landed in front of Theo instead. He opened it up and handed it to Alex once he was finished reading

I know that man's size, so the moment you reach my level, brace yourself

She bit down on her fist to stop herself from laughing out loud and took a moment to glance at Theo who was glaring daggers at Hayden who was making faces at him. She sent her reply to her brother and forced Theodore to face the front.

Just like Marissa does whenever she's going to see you.

Pay attention in class. I'm not going to help you with this topic when you don't get it

Hayden rolled his eyes and sent the plane back to his sister and went back to the lesson

Fine, we'll finish this later

Buzzkill :(

She burnt the paper and went back to taking notes for the rest of the lesson. As soon as she left the classroom, she was ambushed by her brother who slung his hand over her shoulder. "Well my dear unplanned version of me, who knew you had it in you" he teased "Like you said, I'm the unplanned version of you, meaning your behaviours are in me" she knocked on his forehead "And it's not like I was planning to miss it. This guy found me like ten minutes to classes and dragged me into the abandoned bathroom" she pointed at Theodore 

"I wanted private time with my girlfriend" Theo shrugged throwing his arm over her shoulder. "And how dare you disclose confidential information" "She'll end up seeing it one way or another" Hayden teased "Fuck off man" Theo thumped Hayden on the head "I've been meaning to ask you, why did you cancel our date" he turned to Alex "Because I'm having a girl's day and no boys involved. But I'll be yours the day after, so don't fret" she tickled his chin and he groaned "Stop that" he whined 

"No, anyways, I need to get to my ancient runes class. Don't miss me too much boys" she sent them a smile "Sure, but don't forget our agreement. I'll be waiting" Theo kissed her on the cheek and left her and Hayden "Going to do more of the nasty" Hayden stuck out his tongue in disgust and she smacked the back of his head "Moron" she rolled her eyes and walked away from him "SMOOCHES" she heard him yell back and she shook her head.

"Alex, wait up" a voice called to her "One voice, multiple footsteps. It's my little band of Gryffindors" she turned around "What's up" "I was the one who wanted to speak to you, these two just tagged along" Hermione pointed out "Well, we couldn't pass up the opportunity to see our favourite Slytherin" Harry smiled "Awe, I'm flattered" Alex said "By the way, we need to ask you something. Hayden takes Divination, right? Does that woman actually teach something" Ron asked 

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