SIX (fifth year)

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Fifth year, or the year of the OWLs, had dawned upon the group, many changes coming before it. Alex and Theodore began dating a week before fourth year began, after he took her on a date his friends helped him organize. As for her twin, Marissa confessed her feelings for him during their fourth year and after a while of deep thinking, he started to return them.

Katrina dated Adrian Pucey for a while but broke up with him when she saw him kissing another girl in their year. Amelia and Ben started dating midway their fourth year and have been going strong since then. Cedric and Cho confessed their feelings for each other during a Hogsmeade visit the previous year but never established an actual relationship.

According to most students, fifth year is the most troublesome academic-wise but not for this bundle of misfits. They all knew that the year started off badly because of the escape of notorious mass murderer, Sirius Black.

But what they never knew was that there was another escape, one that went unnoticed. It wasn't that of a brilliant plan, make a double of yourself with your gathered-up magic, slip out off your cell in animal form, hitch a ride on a big black dog and once you're far away from the place you left, ditch him and make your way back to your residence. 

As you reach the end of your month-long journey, you spot a familiar face at the gate leading to your manor. You make your move, rushing to them, grabbing their wand and holding it to their neck "Don't make a sound, and open the gate" "What do you want" The woman asked

"Open the gate" she complied and the two walked to the manor in silence, the woman not daring to glance at her captor. Once she heard the door to the manor close, she grabbed her wand and pushed the man away before pointing her wand at him, her eyes widening in the process.

"K-Kenneth" she stammered "Hello Miranda, did you miss me that much" the man smiled "What are you doing here, how are you here-" "Let's save that conversation for another time. Where are the children" "At school, it's October- leave, leave right now before I alert the aurors of your presence" she threatened 

"If they haven't found out that I escaped weeks ago, tell me why they would believe you" he yanked her towards him by her wand hand making her drop her wand in the process "You are not going to say a word because I swear to Merlin that if I am discovered, I will kill you, understood" he asked, his grip tightening with each word he spoke

"I asked you a question Miranda-" "Okay, okay I won't talk" she said "Good, now cook up some food for me, it's been a while since I had a home-cooked meal" he let go of her and walked upstairs leaving his wife in shock. After a night of discomfort, Miranda woke up early the next day and got ready for work. She didn't take her usual amount of time, she did everything faster and only had a cup of tea for breakfast before rushing out of the house leaving her husband asleep.

Ahe made it to the ministry a little earlier and took the first free elevator she found to- "Level One: Minister for Magic and Supporting staff" a woman's voice spoke as the door opened and Miranda stepped out, heading to her office. She dropped her bag on the table and looked around her desk for a piece of parchment, a quill and some ink. "Dorca, come" she snapped her fingers twice and her owl swooped in and stayed perched on her shoulder as she started writing the letter.

She was almost finished with it when there was a small knock at the door and it opened revealing a short woman in pink. "Miranda, Cornelius has called all the supporting staff to a meeting" "Give me a few more minutes Dolores, I want to finish what I'm doing here. Tell him I'm on my way" she told the woman, not even looking up from her work "He doesn't not wish to wait-"

"I said give me a few minutes. Let me just send this letter and I will be there" Miranda spoke angrily and the woman huffed and left the office, slamming the door shut. Miranda put the letter in an envelope and sent the letter with Dorca before organizing herself and leaving the office.

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