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And just like that, it was exam season. The fifth and seventh years had it rough, very few of them were seen lousing around or on school grounds during that time. The majority were seen in the library surrounded by various books and papers, others were using various classrooms to practice their spells in order to prepare for the practical parts of their exams.

Tables at lunch and dinner were barely full, only first to fourth years were seen loitering in the corridors during the day. The nights no longer stayed silent, in every corner of the tower there would be a sound of a quill scratching against a piece of parchment or the sound of a page being turned or papers being ruffled among many other things.

There would be two papers a day for the fifth years, depending on what optionals they took. The subject to kick start the exam season was Arithmancy which began in the early morning hours. Professor Vector picked it to be the first because it required complex thinking and a lot of time, quite similar to the muggle subject of Mathematics.

Monday was the day for optionals, Arithmancy in the morning hours, Ancient runes in the afternoon and Astronomy at night. "Only Astronomy and I am home free" Hayden spoke while his sister and Theo sat in front of him with books sprawled in front of them for both Arithmancy and Astronomy

"This is why I said that picking your electives is very important" "Just because you don't have a paper early morning that racks your brain doesn't mean you get to taunt us. May I remind you that Astronomy happens around the same time that you start seeing stars in that little mind of yours. You don't even have notes" Theodore threw a crumpled piece of paper at the boy. 

"Because you just need drawings in it-" "I'm done, I'm finally done. Now I can sleep" Alex said excitedly whilst closing the book in front of her "What- no, you're done already." The boy panicked "Even chapter 25"

"I told you not to stress over chapter 25, the answer....the answer would become more clear chapter 31" the girl responded, trying not to yawn in the middle of her statement. "Professor Vector told us to read up until what chapter"

"Chapter 26. But chapter 16 is connected to 30, chapter 20 to chapter 40, 25 to 31, 26 to 54-" "Could I borrow your summary book" "Sure, I wrote all that down at the back"

Tuesday was Transfiguration and Divination. "Has your inner eye been opened yet dear brother, or do you need some help" Alex teased as she saw her brother with three copies of unfogging the future, a dream journal and a cup of tea leaves.

"I see, I see a road becoming longer with distance and according to the book, this means that someone will be leaving me the fuck alone" Hayden mentioned

"Don't be so cranky dear brother, consider it payback for yesterday. But don't worry, as you unlock your inner eye, I'll be getting a head start on History of Magic" she laughed "Alex-" "I'll be in the classroom when you're done with your exam" she ruffled his hair

"Is Dr. Shinseye not coming today" Hayden inquired "I asked him not to. I have history of magic tomorrow at 8am. I can slack off tomorrow afterwards because Thursday morning is DADA" she explained

"Now see into the future and tell me how many kids I have" "None, because I'm not ready to be an uncle, ever" he scoffed.

Wednesday, History of Magic and Care of magical creatures. "I do not have energy to read about blast-ended skrewts after being hammered by History of Magic so badly." Ben sighed as he sat with Theodore and Maxwell.

"I mean, the great Goblin war and the Witch execution of 1459, we all go for the great Goblin War. But why add the unnecessary part B that I didn't even read. I had to write two rolls of parchment on witches and wizards getting burnt"

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