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Saturday came much slower than he had imagined. Ever since his birthday, he had been curious about what they were going to make him do so that they could accept him. He had even confided in Maxwell about it but his friend quickly shut him up telling him it wouldn’t be that bad. His study sessions with Alex started to get much more hectic for him. It would always be two hours, but it felt like much more to him.

She would start off with a review and test him on the review, then go through their curriculum and then test him again on that. She would even make him read ahead and test him AGAIN on what he would read. To sum it all up, Alex would be that one professor who randomly hands out a test just to annoy her students and a kick out of their failure. Part of him felt like she was like that with him to get him back for what he did to her. But to be fair, what happened to her wasn’t exactly his fault.

Midway their first year, Cedric was dragged into one of Uriel’s revenge plot to Slytherin house after he was teased by a few fifth years that time. His plan was to dump a bucket of magical goo on any Slytherin that was to walk their way. Cedric kept trying to leave but they would always persuade him to stay. When their victim was approaching them, they asked him to levitate the bucket so they wouldn’t see it.

He agreed and levitated it and just as the ‘victim’ made their way to the spot, they actually got to recognize the person as Alex and in Gary’s attempt to make Cedric lower the bucket, they attracted her attention. She was only able to see Cedric because he had to come out of hiding so he could cast the spell. Gary made the situation worse when he pulled the wand out of Cedric’s hand and when he tried to lower the bucket, he instead made it tip over, spilling the contents all over her.

One moment, the three were all silent taking in the new situation and their thoughts were interrupted by cries. It was Alex, kneeling on the ground, hands moving around as if she was trying to look for something. “My glasses….no, they can’t be gone….they were right here” she spoke, her voice starting to break “Help me, I know there’s someone there. Help me please” she pleaded

“Let’s go” Cedric pulled the two “No, first off, I’m not helping a Slytherin, more specifically, a cursed one. Just leave her there” Gary said leaving with his friend. Cedric was about to go help but then he stopped when he saw Snape walk down the hallway towards the panicking girl. “Professor, someone, please I can’t see” she spoke and the professor cleared up the mess and helped the girl to the hospital wing. She went home that same night and two days later, Gary and Uriel were in the hospital wing recovering from severe burns and a few broken bones.

Apparently, Hayden heard of his sister’s incident and using his inside men, was able to get the name of the people who got the goo and used it. After hexing them to the point of unconsciousness, he was nearly suspended but after Snape vouched for him (saying he was just defending his sister who could have been blinded permanently by the ordeal, and also brought up the fact of their father being a death eater and teaching them very gruesome and torture methods that he might have adapted) they let him go with a month of detention and weekly talks with professor McGonagall.

When Alex returned a few months towards the end of the year, he was the first person she spotted. He was surprised when she never confronted him, but just went to sit with her brother. He became even more nervous when the thought of her brother dealing with the issue for her crossed his mind. After dinner that night, he confessed to Theodore, Ben and Maxwell and the three just gave him small pats on the back and kept reminding him that hexing doesn’t hurt that much, even though they were lying about that.

But Theo helped him, telling Alex and Hayden about what really happened and she passed on the warning to Cedric, telling him to never go close to her because if he did, she would hex him to oblivion, and he did just that until they crossed paths that year. She wasn’t as bad as everyone painted her to be. She would always crack a joke or two during their sessions, clearly showing her amusement and entertainment in his struggle.

𝕮𝖀𝕽𝕾𝕰𝕯 {𝐴 𝐶𝑒𝑑𝑟𝑖𝑐 𝐷𝑖𝑔𝑔𝑜𝑟𝑦 𝐹𝑎𝑛𝑓𝑖𝑐𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛}Where stories live. Discover now