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"They just won't stop it. I mean, sure, I laugh it off sometimes but that actually stings a little" Cedric complained as him and Alex sat at the edge of the black lake. "Just give them some time, they'll let it go eventually" she spoke as the tentacle she was playing with went back inside the lake. "But it's not like I knew that Harry had fallen off his broom. It was raining and I was in the clouds-" "Cedric, calm down or else I will hit you with a snowball" she threatened. 

It had been a few weeks after the Gryffindor-Hufflepuff match and things weren't going well. Harry nearly plummeted to his death if it hadn't been for Dumbledore, but Cedric hadn't known that. He tried to call for a rematch but Oliver said that it was a fair game before going ahead to nearly drown himself in the showers. Harry even let go of the issue once he woke up, letting Cedric off the hook. Same couldn't be said for Fred and George. Any chance they had, they made snarky remarks about the match all aiming at Cedric. 

"Can't I just rant my feelings to you" he asked her "You can, but the topic has become a frequent one. Talk about something else, like the present you're getting me for Christmas" she smiled "It'll be a secret, so don't pester me" he poked her making her squeal "Not even a little clue" "I said no. Besides, I might tell you and then you'll get me something lame and I don't want that" "Do you really think that of me" she gasped holding her chest 

"You know I don't" he hugged her from behind and pulled her so they both fell on the snow-covered ground. "I hate you" she said as they both laughed "Cedric, hey. Glad I found you, I was wondering if- am I interrupting something" a third person joined them and they sat up and turned to face Cho. "Not at all" Alex answered "Hey, what did you need" Cedric asked her "No, I can find you later so we can talk about it then" "To make things simpler, I'll just leave" Alex stood up "But before I do, is there something you wish to tell me" 

"No" Cedric shook his head and she sighed "Fine, good day to you all" she left the two behind, walking back to the castle. "Alex" a pair of arms were wrapped around her "Does your name rhyme with Chipmunk" she asked "Maybe" Theodore kissed her on the cheek. "I've been looking for you, where have you been" "With your best friend, the aftermath of the match is really taking a toll on him" she answered "Have you tried talking to Fred and George" he asked "Of course I have, but you know their stubbornness" she sighed 

"And we're staying with them until school resumes next year, maybe then, I can smack some sense into them" "I totally forgot about that" the boy facepalmed "You're still spending the night in my room, right" "When did I agree to that" "A few seconds ago" he shrugged "Pretty please" "Since you asked nicely" she smiled and her hand went up to her neck scar, scratching it lightly "How many times have I told you to stop scratching that" he crossed his arms "How many times have you asked me to stop scratching you chin, many times actually" she countered.

"Alex" "Okay, sorry. It just itches a lot" "Just stop doing that, please. I don't want your pretty skin to get damaged" "Please, you just don't want to kiss red flesh" Alex rolled her eyes and he gasped "How dare you say such things to your significant other" "Who said you're my significant other, for all I know, my significant other could be the giant squid" she rolled her eyes and he scoffed "Please, the giant squid doesn't know the first thing about being a gentleman" Theodore draped an arm around her shoulders leading her into the abandoned classroom "Who said he can't learn" she winked at him and sat on one of the desks, putting her bag next to her. 

"Don't you dare open it" he placed both his arms at her sides, his face inches away from hers "Why, the least I can do as I wait for the rest is to read" "Not necessarily" he smirked and her eyes widened "Are you crazy, what if they walk in on us" "What if they don't" "What if they do" "What if they don't" he inched closer and she backed up "You're going to have me with you the whole of tonight, what more do you want from me" "Fine then, a little kiss" Theodore pouted 

𝕮𝖀𝕽𝕾𝕰𝕯 {𝐴 𝐶𝑒𝑑𝑟𝑖𝑐 𝐷𝑖𝑔𝑔𝑜𝑟𝑦 𝐹𝑎𝑛𝑓𝑖𝑐𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛}Where stories live. Discover now