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"Well....answer me" Cedric pushed "This is why she did what she did, right? Meaning that this is old news, how old is this news Theodore?" 

"A year old!" he responded, looking away from the boy, "And all this while, you never thought it reasonable to tell us about this" he asked 

"It wasn't my place to say anything, it's a family matter. If Alex and or Hayden decided to tell you about it, well and good," Theo added

"If you want to put the blame on someone, don't put it on me because it was never my place to say something like that," Theodore explained. "And secondly, what's got you all concerned about this. Considering the way you've hurt Alex-" 

"Don't change the subject."

"I've not even strayed from the subject. You have caused Alex too much pain this whole school year, you and your little girlfriend. You have been blinded by that infatuation you call love and have caused her nothing but trouble."

"Trying to act like the good friend now doesn't mean shit when you've already done too much," the boy complained

"What did I miss?" Maxwell whispered as he stood beside Benjamin outside his room. 

"Funny story actually, Alex's dad is out of jail," Ben said

"What!" he exclaimed

"Yeah, and Cedric was grilling Theo who is not in the mood and chose violence this morning" Ben elaborated

"You stay here and get more intel, I'll go and see Alex," he said and walked away.

The walk there, he pondered on what he had just heard and in relation to what transpired the whole year, a lot of things began to make sense.

"Maxwell, you're here. Where's Theodore?" Marissa asked as she saw the boy approach Alex's bed.

"He's still handling something. I thought the little witch had woken up?" he said

"She did but- something came up and she had to be put back to sleep," Kat told him

"Also, the newspaper for today is out and the headline is very scary. Alex's Father escaped from jail!" he said and Amelia's head shot up whilst Kat's eyes widened.

"W-what!" Kat stuttered.

"He escaped from prison, when?" Amelia asked

"I'm not sure, even I've just heard the news," he said

"He escaped from prison at the beginning of the school year," Marissa spoke up, "Hayden told me after we brought Alex here, it's why they've been off this whole time."

"And they're going home in a few days and they might see their dad, so she's scared," Kat spoke up

"She fears him that much?" Amelia wondered

"For someone who nearly killed her when she was 10, it's understandable," Maxwell said as he stroked her hair "I just hope she wakes up alright."

"Me too," Kat said

"Did any of you know that her and Theo are breaking up?" Maxwell inquired

"What!" Marissa exclaimed

"I did," Kat responded

"Kat, you knew?" The girl turned to her friend.

"Yes, Alex is the one who told me," Kat said as she played with her fingers, "After I told her about my feelings for Theodore, she told me that I would have to take care of him for her because he's going to be hurting."

"Well then you're doing a bad job because the boy is on the verge of killing someone either Ben or Cedric. Quite frankly, I don't want to lose a friend because he became a murderer and was sent to Azkaban." 

𝕮𝖀𝕽𝕾𝕰𝕯 {𝐴 𝐶𝑒𝑑𝑟𝑖𝑐 𝐷𝑖𝑔𝑔𝑜𝑟𝑦 𝐹𝑎𝑛𝑓𝑖𝑐𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛}Where stories live. Discover now