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Alex, wake up and get ready. King’s cross station awaits us” Hayden jumped on his sister’s bed in an attempt to wake her up. “Alex, wake up” he pulled the pillow from underneath her head and hit her with it, repeatedly. “I’m awake, I’m awake” she sat up and yawned “What time is it” “8am, now get ready and meet us downstairs” he said and left.

September 1st, 1989. The day the three children were joining the rest of their peers aboard the Hogwarts Express to attend magic school. After eight months of waiting, they were finally going to get a glimpse of their new home for the next seven years. Hayden and Alex had never known the peace they lived in during those eight months of waiting, they weren’t yelled at (just quietly scolded), they weren’t hit on a daily basis like before, they never had to wake up early in the morning for any gruesome training, amongst others.

Their mother gave them the freedom they needed, she let them do whatever they wanted as long as it wasn’t so drastic. She removed the enchantment concealing the secret room, making it the second living room. She postponed their training to after their first year giving them the liberty to sleep and wake up at whatever time they wanted. Newt even took them on one of his trips and they met some magnificent creatures.

Alex got used to her new defect, after almost falling down the staircase multiple times and tripping on stones in the backyard and front yard. She also got more confident in wearing lighter clothes and her fading scars were seen. She also got a few dizzy spells here and there but they stopped a few months after her release. Her mother re-assured her that her father would not be paying them a visit anytime soon as he was serving his time in Azkaban prison.

After her last shower there, she put on a black and green sweater accompanied by a pair of shorts and left her hair free. She packed the remainder of her belongings that she was taking along with her and left her room locking the door behind her. “There she is the queen of my heart” Theo exclaimed as she arrived downstairs “Is her majesty ready to depart from her castle” “Filthy squire, you dare speak to me as if we be equals. But you shall find that there are those who are better than ye-self” she joked.

“Bested by her majesty and rejection all at once, the ache in my heart shan’t cease until you finally decide to fall for thy squire” “MUM, ALEX AND THEO ARE SPEAKING LIKE ROYALTY AGAIN” Hayden called out to his mother “Then maybe you should try and read some literature” Miranda told him as her and Newt came out of the kitchen “Then you won’t be so left out” “Never” he answered “So, is everyone ready to go” Newt asked and the three nodded.

“Good, now let’s go” they got together and disapparated arriving at King’s cross station seconds later. “Looks like we’re not as early as we thought” Hayden spoke as multiple pairs of eyes landed on them “Just ignore them and don’t make any eye contact” Miranda told them as they walked down the platform. “How much do you want to bet that it’ll be worse at school” Alex whispered to her brother

“I’m not one for betting, that’s Theodore’s role” he told her as they handed over their luggage “But he’s your best friend, I’m sure that he taught you a few tricks” “Please, he’d just be teaching me how to lose” he scoffed. “Well children, it’s time to say goodbye for now” Miranda spoke “Wait, where’s Holly” “She’s with the other owls” Hayden answered “On the train”

“Okay then, watch each other’s backs, Theodore can beat up anyone who teases you but I’m not going to that school because you fought someone and lost” Newt told his son “I won’t lose, if I do, Hayden will perform his duties and hex them” the boy answered "This is what we get for living with more men in the house mother” Alex hugged her mother “We’ll pull through” Miranda laughed

“Take care of yourself, alright” “You know I will, and if I don’t there’s Hayden” “Why am I everyone’s second. Why can’t I have a second” Hayden complained “Stop over complaining” Miranda gave him a hug “Now, I need to get to work. I’m looking forward to receiving your letters” “One more hug” Alex said and the five shared a hug. “Now get on that train before I take you home with me” Miranda said and the three boarded the train.

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