Goodbye to you

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The gravestones stood silent, row up on row like soldiers that had been long forgotten. The cold air danced around my icy white hair as the tears rolled down my cheek, I  stand there looking at my parents memorial plaque.

"Hi mum, hi dad. So this is it. It's time for me to say goodbye, I don't want to go, I don't want to leave, I don't want to board that plane tonight and move thousands of miles away knowing that I can't come here to talk to you whenever I want" I sob.
I sit there for a while, talking to my parents about anything and everything, my boyfriend, my grandma who is sending me to a town in America called Seabrook, apparently I have a aunt and uncle there who I have never seen or met, and a cousin, called Addison I think. I don't understand why my parents never told me, but they passed away before I had the chance to find out. I was only 7 when my parents died in a car crash and Iv lived with my grandma ever since.

There's so much of my life I don't understand, my hair for example, my hair is the purest of white. I have tried to dye it multiple times but my hair rejects the colour and will stay the brilliant white it is. I snuck to see a doctor about my hair as my grandma would tell me there was nothing wrong with me, but I had the feeling she's hiding something. But I dare not question her word. She's a very stern and serious woman. The doctor himself couldn't find anything wrong with me. Just a freak naturally I suppose.
As I sat there thinking away to myself I heard a twig snap that made me jump to my feet. I looked around frantically then he appeared from the bush's
"Holy mother of Mary Alec, you scared the shit out of me!"

"I'm sorry baby, I didn't want to interrupt but we have to go, you only have a couple of hours until your flight" the sadness in his eyes breaks my heart. One of the hardest things about leaving here is leaving him. Me and Alec grew up best friends but the last year things changed between us and feelings grew.

"Alec don't look so sad, il be back in no time at all" I don't have a choice but to leave now, but I'm coming home to him as soon as I turn 18 and I can make my own choices.

" Don't forget school holidays, Christmas etc. I can come to you and you can come visit me"

"Frey, we haven't been apart for even a weekend since we was 5. I don't want to be without you"

"We can do this Alec, we're strong"

"I love you Freya"

"I know babe" I don't know why, those words won't come out of my mouth. It's like I want to say it but I want to be able to say it and mean it. I do love Alec but I don't know if it's that breath taking, intoxicating love you read in story books.

"Well this is it" my Grandma and Alec looks so sad whilst walking me through the terminal of the airport.
"All passengers please report to your gate number 30minutes till take off" is called over the speakers.
Alec wraps me up in the biggest hug and kisses me on the cheek.

"Il see you in 6 weeks when I come to visit" he says with tears behind his eyes.

"Don't worry Alec, everything will be fine.
I hug my Grandma and Alec one last time before turning away and walking through the doors towards the terminal.
I can't bring myself to turn around a look otherwise I won't be able to leave.

"Goodbye to you"  I think to myself whilst boarding the plane.

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