Is That You?

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When we got the Prawn, everyone looked like they was having a good time. The only ones miserable and standing out like a sore thumb was Me, Addison and Bree. Addison still hadn't sorted things out with Zed, I really hope she does end up forgiving him. I off all people understood that he didn't want to lose her if she became a werewolf as i would of also lost her and Wyatt. Bree was upset because she really wanted to be here with Bonzo. I was missing Wyatt like crazy and he never replied to my text, and all three of us was missing Eliza, she was a big part of our little girl group, the brains of the bunch.
I kept my eye on the door as we stood next to the punch bowel, I know Zed was meant to be rocking up soon to surprise Addison, maybe he was changing his mind as he was suppose to be here by now.
All I kept thinking was I had a unsettling feeling that something was going to happened tonight.

"Freya, you ok? you look abit white?"
Addison asked me with a worried look.

"Yeah I think so, I'm not sure I don't feel right. Excuse me for a moment, il be right back"
I told her and headed out the hall and down to the bathroom.
I locked the door behind me and facing the mirror my eyes started to flicker again, from bright green to a golden yellow. I looked into my purse where my moonstone necklace was and that was in sync with the colour changing of my eyes. Having this necklaces so close to me, seemed to be messing with me. Unless it was something else?
I couldn't shake the gut wrenching feeling that something was about to happen.

Wyatts POV

As we walked towards the school after finally getting ready, my heart was bursting out my chest. I could finally get to see Freya, I was planning on apologising for her for the way I treated her, but although I wanted to say sorry, it couldn't make a difference between us as I didn't have much time left and I didn't want her to waist the time with me when I would have to leave her anyway.

"What's that?" Bucky asked as we walked towards the school, I don't know what this guys problem is or why he hates anyone that's different to him.
"It's the zombies"

"And the werewolves" chimes in one of his cronies, followed by the others
"In formal wear? Eww"

"You guys can't be here, there are laws against this"

"Bad laws are mean to be broken" Zed said.

"and monsters don't follow the rules. Zombies are about of Seabrook, Bucky and we deserve to be here" Eliza said high-fiving Zed.

"We're apart of Seabrook, too, the originals in fact" I added stating the facts. This silly boy was not going to stop us entering that school.

"Well someone gotta stop you" Bucky said running for the z-alarm causing Willa to grab him and snarl at him baring her fangs and claws. He stopped in his tracks and changed his mind, welcoming us in.
Willa starting to cough, using some of the last energy she had to threaten Bucky. I run over to her and comforted her whilst she composed herself before entering in.

We straight away saw Addison and Bree. Zed went over to Addison, but there was no sign of Freya. I wonder where she is? Maybe she's gone again? We went in and sat down, trying to preserve some of our energy. This wasn't a good idea for us to be here. But if we going to all die, we needed one more night of trying to have some fun.

I looked up to see a vision of beauty walking back through the door. Her emotions were not easily hidden on her innocent face. Her pain was evident in the crease of her lovely brow and the down-curve of her full lips. But her eyes, her eyes showed her soul. They were a deep pool of restless green, an ocean of hopeless grief. All the beauty of the universe could not even hope to compete with this simple thing: passion. Passion turned her eyes into orbs of the brightest fire, and in them I read clearly that she would fight to the very last tear for her life. She would not let the world break her. Sure she could cry, but she would never let them take her true self from her. She clung to it with passion. Passion that made her beautiful. She was sad about something and I was dying to find out what.

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