Welcome to Zombieland

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Beep Beep Beep, brilliant i am so not ready to get up just yet. 7.30 my alarm starts ringing, after the nightmare of a sleep i had, dreaming and the time difference. Its safe to say that tired is a bit of a understatement. Its a big day today though.

I drag my arse out of bed and head for the shower, that's going to help me wake myself up. I still have'nt got myself around to unpacking yet, But Aunt Missy did say last night she had brought me some brand new clothing to fit in with the rest of the town. I open the wardrobe and see all the light pink and light blue outfits and moan inside. I am NOT wearing that, not ungrateful to Aunt Missy but that is so not my style.
Uncle Dale brought my suitcases up to my room last night when we got back so i rummage around to find the perfect outfit for my day of adventuring and pull out my makeup and start getting ready.

 Uncle Dale brought my suitcases up to my room last night when we got back so i rummage around to find the perfect outfit for my day of adventuring and pull out my makeup and start getting ready

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8.30am. 1 hour later and i am finally ready. After applying some makeup and sorting out my wig into lose braids. I know this may be a bit much for my first day but a girl has to make an impression. Yes i want to fit it, but i don't want to totally fly under the radar and Black is more my colour. Not baby pink and blue.

"Freya honey, there's some breakfast down here if your hungry"

"Thanks Aunt Missy, be down in a minute" I shout back as i hunt around for my sunglasses. Ahh found them. As i make my way downstairs the smell of bacon hits me in the face. AMAZING! There was table full of all different foods. I look at Aunt Missy and then at the food. Are we expecting company? there's so much!

"Ignore the amount of food there is Freya, your Aunt wasn't sure what you liked to eat, so she decided to cook everything" Uncle Dale stated the obvious in amusement.

"Thank you so much, i'l take the pancakes and some bacon" I sit down next to Uncle Dale and we all start eating whilst having a good chat. Its been such a long time since id been made to feel like a proper family. Grandma was never around in the mornings, so we never ate together and i always just done myself a piece of toast.

"Are you already to be shown around by Zed and Eliza, i know there very excited to meet you. I think there taking you to Zombietown today"

"Wait, what? Zombietown, That's a funny name for a town?"

Uncle Dale looked at me bewildered "well its called Zombietown because its where all the Zombies live"

"ZOMBIES, what like real, are you, what on earth, ZOMBIES?????" I'm not really sure if there messing around with me or not. There's no such thing as Zombies.

"Oh gosh, you don't know do you" Uncle Dale face palmed himself, with the realisation that i don't actually know anything about this place and didn't even know that them or this town even exited until 3 weeks ago when it was dropped on me that i was moving here.

"Ok Freya, let me fill you in, 50 years ago there was an accident at the Seabrook Power Plant that resulted in an explosion causing half of the population to be turned into Zombies"

Nightfall      (Wyatt Lykensen)Where stories live. Discover now