Dress to Impress

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Wyatt's POV

I was just about to kiss her when she started to dissapear infront of me. Freya wait, Freya come back.

"Wyatt, wake up man!" Willa was shaking me

"Seriously Wyatt? Freya? you said yourself that shes not the Great Alpha, you cant start dreaming about this girl and falling for her, you have a destiny"

"Well what if i don't want to be with the Great Alpha, what if i want to love someone else"
I barked with frustration. I know my sister wont understand, she doesn't have to wait to find someone that she never chose. When she meets her mate, it will be a mutual choice. But not me, i have to search for someone that may not even exist. Yes we all think Addison is the Great Alpha but she is with the Zombie and there's no spark between us.

"Wyatt, get ready. You have things to do today, remember!" Willa ordered me, the only thing im interested in today is seeing Freya again!

Freya's POV

After Addison woke me up this morning, interuppting my dream about Wyatt of all people, and then having the piss taken out of me for it. I was finally ready for another day at school.

 I was finally ready for another day at school

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"Wow, hey the hot stuff. Dressed up for anyone special?" Addison eyed me up and down when i came downstairs.

"Shut up" i laughed and poked my tongue out at her

"Right so we have cheer practice this afternoon, and then come home and get changed because Zed needs you to go and help him this afternoon in Zombietown to spread the 'Zed for Prez' word" Addison stated in the car on the way to school.

"Zed for Prez" i laughed "Yeah thats fine, i guess i can go help him. What will you be doing?"

"I have to stay behind at school to go over some cheer stuff with Bucky"

School was such a drag today, i hadn't seen Wyatt all morning, some of the wolves where in my lessons today. I kept getting eyed up by Willa. Not sure why she kept looking at me, but i didn't want to piss off a werewolf and ask what her problem was. Finally the bell rang indicating that the lesson was over. I picked up my stuff and headed to my locker where i was suppose to be meeting the gang.

"Zed for Prez" I could hear Zed bellowing through the halls.

"Freya! your totally in with helping us today in zombietown yes" He begged giving me some puppy dog eyes.

"Yes Zed, i had already told Addison i would. Il meet you there about 5 after i go change" I stated.

"Do me a favour? look umm pretty for me, if i have some Hotties on my side, im definitley going to win. And besides we need to get the wolves on side and wolf boy over there hasnt stopped looking at you since you walked up"
He said nodding his head in the direction behind me. Wyatt was stood there and he smiled and walked away when he saw me look. Que the butterflies.

Nightfall      (Wyatt Lykensen)Where stories live. Discover now