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I know i probably shouldn't, especially it being my first day but i decided to skip my lesson, telling my history teacher that i had cheer practice. I knew Addison would cover for me if they asked. I walked around the outside of the school a bit, just really thinking about my life and the direction it was heading. I've only been here for a few days now and i know so much can change but i couldn't imagine ever wanting to go back to England now.
The only people i had there was Alec and Grandma. I know my grandma would understand if i decided to stay here. I know she wants me to, this is where my mum and my dad are both from and i do feel close to them here like there always with me.
It's just here in Seabrook, i feel like i have a place here, i never felt wanted back home. I had no friends and no one understood me or just thought i was a freak. If i stayed here though what would that mean for me and Alec? I still haven't heard from him since the other day.
With a heavy sigh i bite the bullet and try and call him again. I told myself i wouldn't try anymore but one more time wont hurt

***Ring Ring Ring***

"Hello" He actually answered!

"Hi Alec"

"Hi Freya" He sounded so glum, like he didn't even want to try and speak to me

"How are you?" I ask
"Is everything ok? Is this important?" Really Alec, rude much!

"Well yeah everything is ok, and no it's not important, but you haven't returned any of my calls, I haven't heard from you at all? What's happening"

"What's happening with me Freya? Your the one that moved away and pretty much forgot about me"

"Are you serious?" He's starting to really piss me off! " I didn't forget about you Alec, I didn't decide to move away! I had no choice! What has happened to you?!

"I'm done Freya! This long distance thing. It's not going to work" I could tell by his voice, he was being serious. This is probably why he hasn't contacted me, he's been sat at home thinking about this for a few days.

"Seriously Alec, how do you know this isn't going to work. We haven't even really tried. You got the arse with me because I left my phone at the house and haven't spoken to me since. Hello, Alec? Are you still there?"

He hung up on me! I was so shocked, I can't believe this. Years and years of friendship, over a year of us being together and that's how he wants to end it. No!
I didn't even realise I was sat on the floor crying when I looked up to a big pair of honey brown eyes looking at me.

"Are you ok?" It was the really cute werewolf boy. He's actually talking to me, and I'm sat here crying. Pull yourself together Freya. Answer him Freya, your starting to look stupid just staring at him..

"I'm umm, hi. Yeah I'm fine" well that was hard to get out. He extended out his hand to help me off the ground, I gratefully took it where a spark hit straight through my body. Like a electric shock only a lot more strong.

"Did you feel that?" I asked him..

"Feel what?" He replied, I didn't believe him though, I know he felt what I did, I could see it in his face.

"I'm Wyatt" nice name, for a nice looking boy.

"Hey, I'm Freya"

" beautiful" he said quietly, but I heard him.

"Well it's nice to meet you" I didn't want to embarrass him by questioning what he just said.

"It's nice to officially meet you too" he said.

"Officially?" I questioned

"We've already met, I recall you telling me off for lying to a child about werewolves not being real" I knew I recognised him from somewhere!

Nightfall      (Wyatt Lykensen)Where stories live. Discover now