Making A Stand

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Wyatts POV

"Wyatt, wait. I have something for you"  Addison called after me as we walked away from her,

"What is it Addison? I haven't got time for this" I snapped at her, after her losing the moonstone necklace she's the last person I want to be talking to right now. How could she be so reckless. Our lives are literally on the line and she goes and loses one of the most important things to my pack.
She's definitely not Great Alpha material, I was rooting so hard for Addison, I always had her back against my sister and this is how she repays me.

"Freya asked me to give this to you" She said handing me a white envelope with my name on it, a little heart drawn next to my name. It looked like some sort of letter, but why would Freya give Addison a letter to give to me, she could just talk to me herself?

"Where is she?"

"She's gone, she's gone back to England. Save the moonstone and then read the letter. She's explained everything inside" she told me, giving me a sorry smile.

What did she mean Freya was gone? In that
moment it was like I became incompetent, unable to form a sentence. The ground fell from underneath me and I literally felt my heart crumble into a million pieces, why would she go? Why would she just slip away and not even speak to me? I had everything planned in my head. I was going to help my sister and the pack, find the moonstone, save my family and then give everything up just for her. That's how much I knew that she was the one for me. I was willing and ready to chose her and she took that choice away from me. I took the letter from Addison and walked away, unable to speak I crumpled up the letter and put it in my pocket meeting up with the rest of the pack.

"Everything ok?" Willa asked me.

"All good, let's go get our moonstone" For now, I have to pull myself together and concentrate on the task at hand. Once we found the moonstone and save the pack I can let the emotions of my broken heart take over, for now walking into the power plant I have to stay strong.

"Come on, hurry!" Willa shouted as we run through the power plant looking for the moonstone, we had just set the monster alarms off.

"WOLVES! Freeze where you are?" It was Addison's father, Freya's Uncle, shouting at us as he jumped out of his car. Security guards and construction workers started to surround us, the packs stones started to glow whilst they started growling and snarling towards the human and zombie workers.

"Your trespassing werewolves!"

"How can we be trespassing on our own land" I said stepping forward toward Mr Wells.

"This is werewolf territory!" Wynter added snapping at him.

"I don't know anything about that" Addisons dad stated.

"We can take them" Willa commanded whilst our stones started glowing, fangs exposed growling causing the security to jump back along with Addisons and Zed fathers.

Willa - Hear it getting louder, a call for revolution
Yeah, we came for what was ours, it's time for restitution
We'll protect our own, take back the stone
No, human nature cannot hold us down

Wyatt - Stranded at the bottom, but we're more than a whisper
No, we'll never be forgotten, our blood's thicker than silver, yeah
When worlds collide, it's do or die
So tell me, is it wrong to stand your ground?

Nightfall      (Wyatt Lykensen)Where stories live. Discover now