First day

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Big day today! First day at a brand new school, I have to say. I'm very, very nervous. Excited but nervous.

So your probably wondering what happened last night after I showed Addison my hair. Well.. after she stared at me for 5 minutes, eyes wide, not really sure what to say. She broke out in a big smile and internally screamed! She couldn't believe she finally found someone with hair like hers, granted her hairs not quiet as white as mine is but still.

"I can't wait for everyone to see you hair"

"Addison, No one is going to see apart from you. This is a chance for me to start life a fresh, fitting in. I'm glad that your comfortable with your hair now, but I just don't want to go through it all again, please keep this between me and you. I'm trusting you" I plead with her.

"Ok, Freya. I have your back, but just so you know. Your beautiful and should never hide you really are. It's your heart that counts"

That was the last thing we said before she went off to her room.

So getting ready for my first day at Seabrook high, Addison said today wasn't going to be like a normal school day, as she is making me come along to her cheer practice and try out for the squad, back in England I was into gymnastics so she said I should fit in ok. Not that I want to but the fact she's willing to keep a secret for me, I should probably do something for her in return. There's also something to do with running of the school president? I have no idea what that is, so classes are going to be abit different today but I can deal with that. I'm not one for school anyways.

So far so good for my first day, Iv met the guys officially now, although I had already met Bree, Bonzo who I love and adore, the other day in the forbidden forest

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So far so good for my first day, Iv met the guys officially now, although I had already met Bree, Bonzo who I love and adore, the other day in the forbidden forest. I did notice that they are really into each other just don't seem to have the balls to tell each other.
I've also met Bucky and the Acey's officially, who are on the cheer squad. I'm not a fan I must say! But there we go! Bucky was very thrilled when Addison told him I was willing to come on the squad and I'm a gymnast but I told him I'm going to sit a few sessions out to watch and learn before I start and that Addison is going to teach me some of the routines at home.

"Vote for me for school president and you can do whatever you want" Bucky winked at me, urgh! This boy annoys the life out of me.

"You know Frey" Bucky said, I hate it when people call me Frey! Only Alec calls me that. Thinking of Alec, he still haven't bothered to talk to me or answer my calls and texts.

"If you didn't look so much like Addison, you would be actually quiet attractive" he stated again with a wink.
Urgh no please god! Bucky is ok is small doses, but he loves himself way to much and I don't particularly want my cousins, cousin fancying on me.

"Thanks Bucky, but I have a boyfriend"

"Anyways sweet lips, il chat to you later. Got my speech to prepare"
with that he left along with the Acey's clicking and following behind him.
Watching the way those 3 swan around after him like a flock of sheep, I'm so glad that my spirit animal is a wolf, i make up my own rules and will never follow the crowd!
It was nearly time to head to the hall where everyone was going to find out who was being nominated for President when Zed came over to me.

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