Are You Ready To Lead

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"Wyatt" I called his name, he looked like a frozen statue, unable to move or speak.
One single tear began to fall down his cheek. I used my thumb to remove it whilst resting my hand on his face. The electricity of the touch surged through my body.

"Freya is that you?" He asked finally pulling himself out of his shocked state.

"It's Me" I smiled at him.

"But your. You. You're?" He was dumbfounded, unable to string his sentence together.

"I knew it" Willa said walking over to us. A mix of shock and humour in her voice.
"I knew there was something different about you, Alpha" she said bowing her head to me, the rest of the pack followed her gesture towards me, all bowing there heads. Apart from Wyatt, he was still just staring at me.

"It's about time" Addison exclaimed
"Freya you look amazing! Those ears suit you" she laughed and everyone else laughed to.
"And that dress, wow!"

"And that dress, wow!"

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My eyes still haven't turned back to normal after the transformation in the cave, I'm not sure if there going to stay like this now

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My eyes still haven't turned back to normal after the transformation in the cave, I'm not sure if there going to stay like this now. Iv been trying to settle them down with no luck.

"Wyatt, are you ok?" Willa asked him putting her hand on his shoulder.

"Yeah I'm ok, I'm just confused why didn't you tell me?" He asked me looking directly into my eyes, he eyes started to glimmer matching mine. He looked shocked, angry, happy I couldn't put my finger on it.

"I wanted to tell you, but I was scared. I didn't want to show you my hair. I didn't actually know I was a werewolf or destined to be the Great Alpha, I found it all out on my birthday, but with the moonstone being, what we thought was destroyed, I didn't think there would be any point. I just wanted to spend the little time you had left, with you, as just me. But Let's talk about it later, we have a party to go to" I said reminding everyone why we was really here. They all agreed picking the moonstone up and taking it back to the hall.

"We will definitely talk won't we? Your never going to run away again?" He asked pulling me away from the crowd.

"I promise" I told him, he took my hand and kissed it, fire exploded through my body.

Nightfall      (Wyatt Lykensen)Where stories live. Discover now