Rewrite The Stars

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We walked along in silence, through the dark of the forest, the wind whistled through the trees. Still holding hands whilst we walked. The anticipation of this conversation was killing me but I was waiting for him to talk first. I knew he was going to ask me about Alec and I didn't have any answers for the questions. We climbed up a few rocks, I could hear water rushing. He sat down legs dangling over the cliff and patted the grass for me to sit next to him, so I did, he took his jacket off and wrapped it over my shoulders, I'm glad he did as I left my jumper at the wolf den. It was covered in one of the wolves blood.
Wyatt had brought me to a river that ran through the forest, with the moonlight travelling through the night with graceful ease making the river sparkle.

"This is my favourite place" Wyatt said finally breaking the deafening silence

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"This is my favourite place" Wyatt said finally breaking the deafening silence.

"It's beautiful here" I told him, and it was incredibly beautiful. The moonlight shining on the water and the rising branches dancing in the wind. It was the perfect picture, but oddly familiar. I feel like Iv been here before.

"Wyatt, why did you bring me here?" I asked him

"I wanted to share this with you, Iv never brought anyone here. This is where my mum use to come with her best friend. When her friend left, she would bring me and Willa here and tell us stories of the pack. This is the place we both found out about the future that was mapped out for us. A future that we never chose"

"Does Willa still come here?" I asked, he shook his head.

"She stopped coming here when my mum died. It's only me that comes here now, it's where I feel close to her. Like she's still with me" he looked so sad talking about his mum. I took his hand in mine to comfort him and rested it in my lap earning a small smile.

"I know how you feel" I told him truthfully. "When my mum and dad died, I never had anywhere that I feel connected to them until I moved here. I used to visit them at the cemetery and talk to them for hours, but it never felt like they was really there. Here in this place, I can feel them around me"

He took his hand out of mine leaving a feeling of emptiness, but he then took his arm and wrapped it around my waste.

"Wyatt, we can't do this" I said standing up. He stood up and took my hands once again.

"Why?" I don't even know why he's asking me this question, he's knows exactly why!

"You have to follow the path that's been chosen for you and I'm not the one that path leads you too. You have to save your pack and you have to be with Addison once she puts the necklace on" one single tear dropped down my cheek, he lifted his hand to my face and wiped the tear away with his thumb, leaving his hand on my neck, every time he touches me, it doesn't feel like it's been done carelessly, it feels like a rush of energy. Leaving a tingling sensation coursing through the part of my body he's connected with. I looked away feeling the burn off redness swell my cheeks from his gesture. He softly grabbed my chin and pulled my face back towards him.

Nightfall      (Wyatt Lykensen)Where stories live. Discover now