Its Time

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"Alec, what are you doing here?" I can not believe he was stood infront of me, at first I thought i was dreaming. Some part of me was hopeful that I was dreaming, but this is real

"Don't suppose you want to step away from my girlfriend" Alec snapped at Wyatt, who was still stood close enough for me to feel the warmth radiating from his body. Wyatt never said a word. He looked at me, I gave him a nod and then he turned back to Alec. The stone around his neck started to glow, his eyes turning a bright yellow, fangs on show.

"Wyatt, no!" I commanded him. "I will come and find you later" he stopped, dipped his head and walked away.

"Want to explain what I just walked in on?" Alec was not happy. I can't really blame him, if I had walked in on him looking intimate with another girl, I would probably be the same.

"Alec, nothing you've got it wrong"

"Really, because it looked like that thing was about to kiss my girlfriend, what even is he? Clearly not human.. is this what you've been doing since you moved here, parading around like some sort of slut"

I winced at his words, how can he say that to me? Iv only ever kissed Alec, we haven't even gone all the way and he's speaking to me like that!

"You turn up here, throwing accusations around about things you know nothing about, we practically broke up Alec!" I started shouting at him. Students of the school started to linger in the hall way, trying to get a glimpse of what was going on. The girls all eyeing up Alec.

"Maybe we should go somewhere to talk about this situation" he said, noticing the crowd of gathering people.

"That's the sanest thing you've said since you turned up" I told him.

We walked to the football pitch to talk, knowing that football season was over and the cheerleaders where done for the day, no one would be there.

Wyatts POV

"FUCK!!" I shouted, picking up a bolder outside the den and smashing it into the wall. Her fucking boyfriend! I didn't even know she was still with him! After hearing her and Addison conversation the other day, it sounded like they had broken up. Hence why Iv been planning on making my move! There's absolutely no way she's going to want to chose me over him! She's known me for 5 minutes. Him her entire life and he's a good looking bloke too!
"FUCK" I screamed again!

"Wyatt, what's wrong? What's happened? Calm down!" Willa came running out the den, Wynter in tow, obviously hearing the smashing of the boulders and me shouting my head off!

"Go away!" I snarled at her.

"I am not leaving until you tell me what the hell has happened. When Wynter and the pack came back, they said you was talking to Freya and now you've come back like this! Where is she? I'l kill her!"

"Willa, you go anywhere near Freya and il tear you apart" obviously I didn't mean it, but she's really pissing me off right now. I automatically calmed down after seeing my sisters terrified face. The last time me and Willa had a full on fight, it ended up in her being really hurt. I promised myself that would never happen again.

"I'm sorry Willa, it's just Freya's boyfriend turned up" I slumped down on a rock and Willa sat next to me putting her arm around my shoulder.

"Wyatt, I know you think you like this girl" think? I glared at her and she sighed.

"Hear me out? I know you think you like this girl Wyatt, but when the Great Alpha turns up your going to automatically fall in love with her and then where will that leave Freya?" And she was right, if Addison turns out to be the Great Alpha when she puts the moonstone necklace on and the prophecy comes to pass. We will automatically be drawn to eachother and there's nothing we will be able to do about it.

Nightfall      (Wyatt Lykensen)Where stories live. Discover now