This is to weird

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After a 16 hour flight, quick stop in the bathroom to change and to readjust my wig. I know your all probably questioning as to why iv decided to wear a wig.
No one here knows me, iv never met my extended family before and according to Grandma, my parents never told them i look like a snowflake. This is giving me a new start and a chance to finally feel normal.

I collect all my luggage and head over to the main entrance where I'm suppose to meet Uncle Dale and Aunt Missy for the very first time

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I collect all my luggage and head over to the main entrance where I'm suppose to meet Uncle Dale and Aunt Missy for the very first time.

Scanning the crowd of people in the arrival lounge. I see a man and a women both in light blue suits holding my name up on a card. They look far to perfect to be any relations of mine, i bet my cousin Addison is just a perfect, even here i'm going to be considered a freak, Just like i was back home in England. With as heavy sigh i make my way through the crowd of people and introduce myself.

" Were so glad to finally meet you, your dad would always tell me stories on the phone about you"
Aunt Missy seemed like a really lovely woman, She was my dads sister. I wonder why no one ever told me about them. I didn't even know they existed until my Grandma told me i had to move in with them.

We finally got back to the house. It was pink on the outside and as i looked down the street i noticed all the houses where either pink or blue and everyone was dressed in either light pink colour or a light blue. This is to weird.

Inside the house was very beautiful, Very pink and blue but pretty to say the least. After eating with my Aunt and Uncle i went to shower and turn in for the night. I didn't want to be rude and go straight to bed but after a long flight and the time change i was dead beat but i think they understood and waved me goodnight with a hug and a smile. Hopefully once i get settled in Aunt Missy will be able to answer some questions about my Parents and myself.

Your probably wondering where Addison is, i did to at first, but shes at her Cheer Camp and she will back in few days. Apparently shes very excited to meet me, as i am her.

Aunt Missy showed me to my room and left me to my own devices

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Aunt Missy showed me to my room and left me to my own devices. Wow! My room is so nice. I noticed a cheerleaders outfit on the bed with a note left from Addison.

Hey cuz!
Welcome to our home and welcome to the family. I can not wait to come back and meet you! I was so sad that your arrival was the same time as cheer camp. If I wasn't trying to make cheer captain one day I would of totally stayed behind for you. Anyways I don't know how you feel about being a cheerleader, I know it's not a massive thing in England but think about it!!
My boyfriend Zed and his friend Eliza are coming by tomorrow to show you around the town!
See you when I'm back ❤️❤️
Love Addie.

Wow! She seems so so lovely, maybe a bit more happy and cheery than what I'm use to but lovely ! Especially going to the effort to set up her friends to show me around the town. I would much rather of explored on my own. But it will be nice to meet people.
After setting a picture of my parents and me next to bed and hanging the cheerleading costume up in the wardrobe (don't think il be needing that) I finally fall into bed, just as I'm about to drift off my phone starts ringing...


"Hey baby, you ok? How was your flight? How is everything?"

"Alec, it's you! I'm ok Iv just got into bed. Everything is so pink and blue"

"Pink and blue?" He questions " what are you talking about?"

"Long story, are you ok? How was grandma when I left?" Ofcorse I'm going to be worried about my Grandma more than Alec, she's left all on her own now, I wish she didn't make me come here.

"Freya, don't worry about Grandma Dee, you know she's going to be absolutely fine. I will be around to check in on her all the time anyways. I already miss you so much. I'm counting down the days till I come to visit."
I am looking forward to seeing him again, but I don't know if it's because I'm so tired or what, but at this particular moment in time. I don't miss him. I'm sure it's just me being tired.

"I miss you too Alec, but I really need to sleep. I'm so tired, it's been a long couple of days"

"Ok baby, get some rest. Call me tomorrow. I love you"

" I will Alec, night" I then hand up.
I pop my phone on silent, hoping for no more interruptions, I strip back the covers and jump in bed. Waiting for sleep to consume me.

I find myself walking through a forest, surrounded by white flowers glowing in the moonlight. Where am I? What am I doing? How did I get here?
Suddenly this figure appeared in front of me. Eyes glowing with a Beautiful stone hanging on a necklace. So bright my eyes couldn't adjust properly . The light started to dim and a gasp escapes me. There she stood, just as a remembered her but as beautiful as ever. Skin as white as snow and hair long and as dark as a raven, with a single white stripe down the side of her face.


"Freya, you need to listen. I don't have much time"
I launch myself at her and she engulfs me in a hug

"Mum I miss you so much"

"I miss you to baby, but you need to listen. You are destined for great things, follow their lead. Find him and your life will make sense"

"Mum, I don't understand. What are you talking about?"

"You may not understand now, but soon you will. Find him Freya. You must find him" she started to let me go.

"Find who mum? Mum. Mum. Muuum! I screamed as she slowly faded away from me. I kept calling after her, but I could feel myself being shaken.

I bolted upright hearing my name being called and being shaken

"Freya, are you ok? It's me Aunt Missy, we heard you screaming"

"Oh gosh Aunt Missy, I'm fine" I lied, covered in sweat and breathless I tried to pull myself together.

"Do you want me to stay with you darling" She was
so kind.

"I'm ok Aunt, was just a bad dream"

"Ok, i'l go back to bed. I'm just down the hall if you need me" she gave me a quick kiss on the forehead and left my room pulling the door shut. She already feels like a mum to me after only knowing her for a few hours.
I haven't dreamed about my mum in years, I wonder who I have to find and what she means. If it means anything and wasn't just a silly dream. I sip some water that Aunt Missy must of left on the side for me and laid back down to go back to sleep.
With one question on my mind. Who is "him?"

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