where are you

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Your pov

Everything was great. I know I'm not liked by most the village but at least I have hiccup. He's my only friend in the whole village and I'm his. No body likes us because we're weak, well except gobber. The village kinda blames me for hiccup though. They say I'm a bad influence but I don't see why. I help him learn about things like math. I know, I know it's boring but I can't really offer much else.

I don't know but I think I may like like Hiccup. It's probably just because I don't talk to boys or anyone for that matter. I'm not going to tell him of course. It's not that im a scaredy cat. I actually think of my self as a really brave person but when I comes to things like feelings.... I'm a big chicken.

I was walking around looking for hiccup when dragons attacked. I was pushed by vikings. They screamed at me to get out the way. I started to run when someone picked me on the ground.

I looked up to see hiccup running off. "Hiccup?!" I screamed. He was pushing some big machine. "Sorry f/n! I'll be right back ok! I'm going to catch a dragon!" He yelled happy. I looked at him confused.

I sighed and shook my head smiling. He is so cute. I got up and that's when I felt a breath on my neck. I turn around to see a Deadly Nadder. "Hay you wouldn't want to eat me right? I'm just a lonely, weak, ugly (that's a lie your beautiful) girl right?" I said chuckling nervously.

The dragon growled. I took off as fast as I could but for me I was really slow. I tried to lose it through the houses. I screamed as it shot spikes at me. "Heelllllpppppp!" I screamed. Some vikings came to my rescue.... Unfortunately.

"You dum girl! You could get your self killed! Go back home! Your useless!" They screamed. I have to admit that hurt. Suddenly the torches fell down. Everyone was crowded around hiccup.

He was telling his father something when stoick screamed at him. I didn't really catch what the whole fight was about but I ran after hiccup and gobber.

"Wait for me!" I yelled trying to catch my breath. "Not you to! Your supposed to be at your houses! You could get hurt. Go home f/n now" Gobber said he's always been like a father to me. "But what about-" I tried to argue but he gave me that look. "Sorry hiccup" I said.

He looked at me sadly "don't worry about it. I'll see you later f/n." He said walking a head. I sighed and went back to my house. It was empty, no one there to say hello, or are you ok?! I know I have hiccup but I still would like a family. At least he has his dad. Even if his dad is mean.

It's been a couple of weeks and I haven't talked to hiccup once. I was getting worried. Ever since he started training, he's been different. He gets better and better with dragons. There is something off but I don't know what. I try to talk to him but he has been hanging out with Astrid and her group lately. He is also picked to be the one to kill a dragon in front of everyone. I'm happy for him of course but I miss him. Not to say he has his eyes on Astrid. They have gotten... Closer and hit hurts to see them like that.

Time skip

Today is the day. Hiccup has to kill a dragon. Everyone one was crowded around. I wasn't able to see because they kept pushing me out the way. One looked at me and told me to get lost. I felt hurt and abandoned. Why am I trying so hard for a boy who doesn't even care anymore.

Unfortunately I didn't have to heart to leave just yet. I still loved him. A hopeless fool in love. I'm a dummy.

I watched as hiccup took off his helmet. I watched in confusion. Hiccup made a whole speech about how dragons are not monsters. They do it for a good reason. I was amazed at how dragons actually are. It was amazing! I knew hiccup was amazing!

Suddenly stoick banged his hammer and made the dragon go crazy. Hiccup ran around trying to get out. I heard something... A night fury. "Everyone get down!" I yelled.

We ducked and it stood in front of hiccup protectively. "Wow" I whispered. People started to pin the night furry down. Astrid had to hold hiccup down. He cried in her arms.

After everything had happened I went looking for hiccup. When I saw him and Astrid i ran twords them. "Hiccup are you ok?!" I asked. Astrid pushed me away. "Don't you see he has enough on his mind right now. Toothless is gone" she said sadly. I felt betrayed "you knew?" I asked and she nodded.

So he trusted someone who hated him but not me... "Astrid it's fine she's my friend. Don't worry about it f/n. I have this handled." He said getting up. I was shocked. "I-i can help!" I said trying to hold on to the little hope I have left. "No it's to dangerous. Please just stay here." He said grabbing Astrid and leaving.

I fell to my knees. I'm not weak I can help! I'm-im strong right?

I whisper my tears and got on my feet. I'm going to help and hopefully not mess things up.

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