8 years later

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Hiccups pov you guys are now 24

We are now following Johann to meet someone. He said that she could help us find dager. "Are you sure about this?" I asked following him into a small bar.

"Of course but be careful she is crazy dangerous. Its best if she is on your side!" He said running a head. I see  someone wearing a black cloak and she was drinking what looks to be coffee.(sorry if you don't like coffee) "this is her. Now stay back and let me speak to her first." Johann said. "Johann I thought I said not to bring anyone." She said coldly. I feel as if I heard that voice before.

"He is the reason I'm here actually. He needs your help." Johann said slowly. I've never seen him so respectful. She sighed "hiccup haddock lll what brings you to a filthy person as me" she said sarcastically. "Umm I need your help finding dager" I said clearing my throat. She rubbed her templates and got up. I couldn't see her face.

"He is a hard man to find. It will take a few days. What do I get in return?" She asked. "We have gold and a place for you to stay" I said. "I'm not going to berk!" She said angry. "N-no we will take you to our own island. Wait what do you have against berk?" I said confused. She shook her head. "Nothing let's go" she said walking out.

We followed her. I walked out to have Astrid jump on me. It was kinda getting annoying. She would always be clingy and never let me have space. I don't mind cuddling and all but she has been vary protective to! Like I'm afraid to even get information from a girl without Astrid jumping at me.

"Is this her?" She asked pointing to the girl.  "Yep" I said slowly. I looked at the dragons. "Were not riding them right?" The girl asked cautiously. "Yes are you scared?" Astrid said raising her eyes brow smirking. I rolled my eyes "No it's just me and dragons never really got along" she said reaching back for something.

"You are not aloud to touch them. If you attack them then you attack us." I said standing in front of her. "Wow looks like baby hiccup grew into a man" she said chuckling. I looked at her serious. "Don't worry I was reaching for food." She said pulling out a apple.

Toothless came up to me and sniffed her. She just put her hand on his head! I was about to stop her when I realized he wasn't going to do anything. "How did you-" I started to question. "It doesn't matter. Let's go before we have trouble." She said quickly looking around.

"What?" I asked but was cut off by a arrow. It hit her cloak and ripped it. She looked down and then at the attacker. "No this was sent favorite! And my only one!" She yelled running at him. She pined him to the wall with her knifes.

She than takes off her cloak. Her h/l h/c hair was now shown. "Your lucky I don't strangle you with this cloak. Lucky for you we have guests and I don't want to keep them waiting." She said. The man shook in fear.

She thrown her cloak at him and turned around. I was shocked when i saw her face. "Well you ready to go?" She asked. "F/n?" I asked confused. She looked different now. She is more grown and is not some weak kid anymore.

"Yes that's my name now get moving. We don't have long if you want to catch dager. He likes to move around a lot." She said walking up to us.

I had no words I just stared at her.

Your pov

I rolled my eyes. "Hay fishbones we going to go are not? I have a lot to do and other customers." I said. He glared but nodded. He climbed into toothless. "You can ride with Astrid." He said. I looked at her dragon. "Nope I only trust toothless at this point" I said petting his snout.

Toothless purred. "How could you trust toothless. You barley know him?" fishlegs asked. "He saved my life a long time ago" I said hoping on his back. 

They looked at me confused but waited to question me. We flew high in the sky. It was all I could do not to grab onto hiccups waist.

It was beautiful. I never was able to get a dragon to like me so I never really found one. We flew to and island where there was buildings. I could tell each one had there own room. There rooms were styled to be like there dragon.

It was a nice place. Once we landed I got off and thanked toothless. "So your name f/n? Your name is a beautiful as your face" a short guy said. "And your to young for me. Why don't you run back to your mommy or daddy" I said to him.

I header the twins laugh. "Good one f/n" the girl said. "Im sorry but I don't think I know you" I said walking away. "Wait f/n I want to talk to you." Hiccup said. I looked at them. They all had serious looks.

"What?" I asked. "Why did you leave?" He said I wanted to beat my head on the wall. "Does it matter?" I said trying to stay calm. "Yes actually" hiccup said. Johann jumped in. He was actually quite the whole way here. "hiccup d-dont anger her. Who ever you knew before is gone." He said quietly. Hiccup looked at me angry.

"What happened? Tell me now" He said again. Johann ran away before he got caught up in it. I growled and pulled out my retractable sword. "You want to play games hiccy? I'm was trying to be nice saying your a clint and a... Old friend but no one talks to me like I'm below them. I'm not that weak little girl anymore. I don't get pushed around! I don't get thrown away anymore! And I especially don't take orders from no one! Do you understand!" I said pointing it to his neck.

He held his hands up. Toothless came in front of him protectively. "I thought we would be friends. To bad so sad anyways. I actually have a score to settle with dagger so let's put this as payment. I find him and you bring me to him" I said lowering my sword. "Why?" Astrid butted in.

"Because he has something of mine and I want it back." I said smirking. "Fine but don't kill him." Hiccup said angry. "Deal"

I turn away from the. I'm coming for you dager.

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