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We looked for a while but couldn't find dager. It was getting frustrating. I lend against a cave wall. Hiccup was making the fire. "You ok?" He asked just as tired as me. "Ya just annoyed? I guess" I said wanting to leave.

"Hay it will be ok. Well find him but for the mean time I think we should go back home." He said running his hand throw his beautiful brown hair. Why do boys always get the good hair?!

"Probably a good idea. Plus you can go talk to Astrid. I can tell your still hurt from it." I said without thinking. "Blunt I see" he said trying to laugh it off. I wanted to slap my self for saying that. "Sorry Im bad with social skills" I said rubbing my neck.

"F/n... I uggg I've tried so hard to figure you out... Why you left... What happened to you. Its not a bad thing that your who you are now!" He said quickly. "Bit you changed so much" he said.

"You still have no idea why I left?" I asked in disbelief. He shook his head no. I got mad "how about to start you blamed me for trying to save toothless or maybe you took sides of the people who hated you the most! And you ask why I left?! Hiccup I was alone and you walked away. You left with a perfect life while I was still stuck in the dark." I said feeling built up hatred turn into tears. I didn't mention the part where I loved him.

"F/n i-im sorry" he said in realization. "It's to late for apologize hiccup. Our lives moved on but no way will I ever go back to berk." I said

I felt arms around me. I tensed up from the sudden contact. "I- I tried to talk to you after it happened. I went looking for you but you were gone. I waited for you but you never came back. I was wrong for what a did and I'm so sorry." He said holding back tears.

I felt some wait lift off my shoulders but only a little. I hugged back "how about we start fresh." I said pulling away. "Your not going to try and kill me right?" He asked laughing. I laughed to "no but it's time to forget what happened between us and move on." I said holding out my hand.

He took it "I'm hiccup" he said shaking it. "I'm f/n" I said. Our dragons came in and curled up in a ball. "We should get to sleep." I said laying down. He nodded and slowly we drifted to sleep.

I had my hands chained. I looked everywhere for something or someone. "Calm down" I heard a voice say. "What happened why am I here?!" I yelled to the person.

"Don't you remember? Hahaha your 'friends' left you here. Some boy's named leo and hiccup. They said they were glade to get rid of a monster like you." I sat in with a blank expression. Tears fell down my face.

Suddenly I walk falling. I felt a crash underneath me. I was now submerged in water. I tried to swim but something pulled some down. I hit the sea floor. I could feel my lungs burn for air but no matter how hard I tried to breath. All there was is water.

I looked around to see a shadow figure holding up a glass mirror. It showed my dragon dead with me towering over. I held a knife and reapers heart in my hand. "What have I don't?" I asked crying. The mirror then flashes to my face but I didn't see me. Instead I saw a corps staring back at me. She had hair like mine and eyes like mine but her face was stone cold. You could tell she was living but also dead.

End of dreams

"F/n wake up are you ok?" Hiccup asked worried. I nodded quickly. "L-lets go" I said getting reaper up. "Wait what is wrong?" He asked urgently. "Just a bad dream. We have to get back soon or who knows what will happen" I said trying to change the subject. I knew hiccup wasn't happy with my answer but he didn't push it.

The rest of the way. We flew in silence.

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