giving up

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Hiccups pov

All I could do is watch... she is waiting for me again and all I can do is run. She trusted me.... and I left.

While I was flying to heather, she got hit with a arrow. I looked at f/n as her dragon got caught. She started to cry. "hiccup! Heather?!  Please you promised! You said you wouldn't leave me!" She screamed. I felt my heart hurt.

A tear ran down my face. She looked at reaper and then below her. She smiled for a second and.... Jumped?! I wanted to help but I couldn't right now. I don't know if it was unlucky or luck but mandra caught her. I could see horror in her face as she looked at me one more time. Mandra looked at me and pointed his finger. Some guards started to get in a boat. I grabbed heathers dragon windshear and flew away. I looked back and watched her being dragged away.

Flashback end

I started to cry more. I promised her I wouldn't leave her! And not only did I but I watched her try and kill her self just to get away. I promised her and I broke it. Just like when we were kids...

I finally get back to berk. I stumbled with both of the girls in my arms. Fishlegs came running in and helped me get heather. We were able to get them to gothi and stitched them up.

Soon heather and Astrid woke up. They looked around to see everyone except f/n. "Hiccup? Where is f/n?" Heather asked worried. Astrid suddenly realized she wasn't there. "I-after you got hurt I-i couldn't help her. She was taken..." I said trailing off. Everyone went quit. "It's not you fault" Astrid said slowly puting a hand on my shoulder. "But it is! She begged me to not leave her! When I did leave she tried to kill her self! That shows how bad it is there! And and I left..." I said trying not to cry. I clutched my head.

"M-maybe she did something to be there. Hiccup for all we know she was there for a reason.." Astrid said. Everyone was shocked. I pushed her away. "Really? That's it? You want to leave her?! You saw those people in there! Do you not realized that she did that to save you! After everything you said or did she still helped you and you wanted to leave her?!" I screamed

She was shock. "That's low Astrid. I didn't like her either but she gave up everything for you and this is how you want to repay her?" Heather said angry.

"N-no I just... I'm sorry. I just don't want you to go back and get hurt." She said trying to cover up what she said. I couldn't believe it.

I walked out to cool down. "Hiccup Im sorry and I wanted to say thank you." She said hugging me. I turn around to tell leave but she kissed me.

I didn't move but I didn't kiss back. "Hiccup what-" I cut her off. "We can't Astrid. Me and f/n was friend for so long and then I left her for you. I don't regret being with you but I do regret leaving her. Now I made the same mistake and there may be no coming back from it." I said. "So what are you saying?" She said starting to cry.

"A-astrid don't do that I uggg listen Astrid you broke up with me already and I still would like to be friends. F/n needs me right now. From what mandra said she has no one. Please if you love me you will understand" I said whipping her tears. She pushed my hand away.

"Don't do this hiccup" she said mad. "I'm sorry but I just need a break. I need to focus on one thing at a time. Maybe after we get her back but-" she cut me off. "So you chose her over me?"

"What no Astrid just-" she cut me off again. "You know what I don't care!" She yelled storming off. He blond hair swaying in the back.

I felt my heart fell like it's being crushed.

I looked out to the ocean. I do know what do but I have to help f/n.

Suddenly a bottle fell in front of me. I see reaper with someone different on her. Well it looked more like he was having trouble riding. It was a guard of mandra.... I opened the bottle.

If you want f/n back meet me on dragon mountain peak in 2 months . You can bring anyone you want.
From mandra

I started to run back and get the gang. Except Astrid and heather so they can heal.

Im coming for you f/n.

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