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..... Nothing absolutely nothing....
We've been flying island to island and we can't find a thing!

"Let's make camp f/n. It's getting dark" hiccup said. I sighed and nodded. He called to Astrid and told her we are landing. She looked relived. Probably because I'm finally getting of toothless.

Once we landed he got us to pick up fire wood. I was about to walked off. When hiccup called "Ok where are you going" hiccup said tired. "To scout the place out" I said mad that we didn't find dager. These were the only places I could think of.

"Ok what's wrong?" He asked. "It doesn't matter" I said sighing. He was about to say something when someone tackled me.

Hiccups pov

I was about to tell her it's better to talk about it then hold it in but someone tackled her. "F/n!" I yelled. I tried to pull him off her but he hit me in the face. Toothless came and was about to shoot but I stopped him. "Wait bud you would hit f/n!" I yelled.

Astrid came in right then. F/n and the boy was still fighting but something was off. I pulled my sword out ready to fight.

I saw the boy on top of f/n with a dagger at her neck. "F/n!" I yelled when the oddest thing happened. She stated to laugh and so did he.

Your pov

I knew who tackled me. We started to tussle around but I wasn't trying we were just playing. "F/n!" Hiccup yelled as he held a dagger to my neck. I started to laughed and so did he.

He got off me and pulled me up. "I missed you f/n" he said. "I missed you to leo" I said hugging back. "Wait what's going on?" Astrid asked. Leo pulled me by the waist. "I'm her boyfriend" leo said.

They looked shocked. I elbowed him in the stomach. "No we're not. This is leo, leo these are my clients." I said getting out of his grasp. "Clients? So that means your back in business?! Are you sure that's a good idea with what happened? Last I heard there still out there and your there target" He said shocked. 

I nodded "don't worry I've been in business for a month now. I need to get stronger and this is the best way how." I said sternly. "F/n you've been missing for 3 years! I thought you were dead! And when I finally found you! You had to go into hiding for a year! No one knew if they got you or if-" I cut him off remembering hiccup was here.

"Leo please not here. Not with them here and don't worry I'm still alive right? It is better if you completely forgotten who I was. Plus I know you have your eyes on a women. She is beautiful and kind don't give that up." I said turning my back on him.

He stood there shocked "you kept tabs on me?" He asked. "Of course you are my only friend and as your friend I'm telling you to settle down. I'll watch out for you from afar" I said smiling at him.

"Wait wait-" Hiccup butted in. "Let me get this straight. You to are friends? Something happened to you for what 3 year?! And people are hunting you?!" He asked shocked. I rubbed my head. "Hiccup it's non of your concern." I said.

"Wait this is him?!" Leo said angry. "Leo stop" I said quickly "wait how do you know us?" Astrid said. I looked at her with that really face. She was just confused. "Look it doesn't matter let's set up camp and then find dager and we can go are separate ways. Hopefully never see each again" I said

"Look f/n you saved me a long time ago and I never got the chance to repay you. Please let me help find dager tommorow. I know where he will be tomorrow and I can help." He said hopefully. I looked at him sceptical. "Really?" Hiccup said not trusting him. "It's fine I've known him for a long time. Leo won't betray me and if he ever did... Well let's say we will no longer be friends" I said laughing.

Time skip Hiccup pov

It was night now. F/n and Astrid was asleep. I refused to sleep while he is awake. "So what was that all about f/n?" I asked still wondering what happened to her. Leo looked away. "It's not my story to tell" he said scratching his head.

"Well then how did you meet?" I asked pushing on.

"Well it's kinda funny now. I was once the son of or village leader. He wanted me to get married to someone I didn't love. I refused and made a deal. If I could find someone I love then he would call it off. Well at the time f/n showed up on our shore. She was weak tired and depressed. I helped her but what she did for me changed my life. She pretend to be my live so I could be free. My father tried to kill her and almost succeed. Me and her ran away. She fought for me for so long and we protected each other. I watched her grow strong and we grew close. She told me about-" he stopped for a second.

"She told me about what happened to her. Soon she was in trouble with bad people. At the time she was almost the best. That meant people wanted to knock her down. I wanted to help but she-she left me in a village and then she went missing until I saw her again. She seemed so different. More cold and closed off. She explained everything and left. Even then she was still trying to protect me. I have to thank her because I wouldn't have meet the love of my life if it wasn't for her. I would do anything for my love... Anything" he said again quite.

"What happened to her? And please tell me why she left berk?" I asked everything that happened made my heart hurt. "it's not my story to tell" he repeated hi last words before going to bed.

What happened to you f/n?

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