Kind Like You

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I slowly wake up to no body in the bed. "Hiccup?" I called but no answer. It was dark out side. "Hiccup?" I said again. This time I walked to the window. I could see a little figure sitting on the docks.

What is he doing by himself?

I walked down to where he was. "Hay hiccup Is everything alright?" I asked. "Hay f/n ummm everything is ok" he said. "what's wrong? I'm your best friend hiccup" I said smiling even though the word best friend kinda stung. He sighed "that's the problem f/n.... Look the note I gave you... It had you on it. I don't want this to be fake anymore." He said looking at me.

His eyes trialed to the hickey he gave me. He grabbed my waist. "F/n I know you like someone else but could you just maybe give me a chance?" He asked kissing my forehead. The flashbacks of astrid and him kissing were still in my mind. "What about astrid. You guys were kissing" I said. He pulled away. "You saw that?" He asked. I only nodded.

"She jumped on me. She came in asking for me to take her back and I said no. I'm sorry f/n I never did it on purpose" he said. I sighed and nodded.

"Can I ask you what was on your card?" He said. I froze in place but I might as well since he likes me back. "Ummm it was you" I said blushing. He smiled and got up. "Well my lady can we be official a real couple?" He asked holding his hand out. I took it and got up. "Of course my prince." I said.

We laughed and he pulled me into his arms. Slowly he moved closer. His eyes flickered between my eyes and my lips. I did the same. "May I?" He asked. I rolled my eyes and kissed him.

The end ❤️

Forgotten (Hiccup x reader) CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now