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F/n pov

I don't know how long it's been. Maybe a couple of weeks or months. I've worked for hours on who knows what all day. Then I'm taken to be tortured all night. I haven't gotten to sleep since he has taken me. Once in a while I got to see reaper but it's was never good. Reaper looked horrible. It was beaten and scared. I felt horrible for being willing to jump and leave reaper here alone but I was so scared.

Mandra took me through the normal routine as usual but something was different half way through. He took me over to reaper. "What are we doing" I asked blankly. To be truth I was excited to see reaper. "Don't try that f/n I know your excited to see reaper. Were going somewhere but you both will be chained up to my dragon." He chuckled.

We started to fly "Where are we going?" I asked "non of your concern! Now shut up before I tap it shut!" He yelled. I shut up immediately. My eyes started to grow heavy and I soon fell asleep.

Suddenly water was thrown on my face. I bolted up read to fight but metal chains heald me down. I look forward to see hiccup and everyone except Astrid and heather. I'm guessing they had to stay back.

Hiccup pov

I flew as fast as I could. We didn't have much time left to get to f/n. Once we landed I saw mandra smirking. F/n was asleep but she was also chains up. She looked horrible. She had cuts and bruises everywhere. reaper was behind her. It wasn't in any good shape either. There was lashes all over reaper.

I looked at them sadly as mandra throw water over f/n to wake her up. She jolted awake but was pulled back down by chains. "Ok hiccup so here is the deal. You can have the girl and the dragon back, IF you.... Help me" he said sounding defeated. "What?" I asked confused. I could tell f/n was to.

"I need your help hiccup. You see I have a daughter. She has been missing for a vary long time and I want her back. I've found my self to become.... Lonely..." He said trailing off. "Ok and this daughter what does she look like?" I asked determined to get f/n back.

"I don't know and that's where f/n comes in. I know how good at tracking she is and you are pretty well known so I knew if I could get you to help we could find her." He said with a rough tone. "Fine but you must let f/n stay with us until you find her." I said glaring at him. "deal but I have to stay with you guys. You know extra... Precautions" he said with a evil smirk. "Deal." I said holding out my hand. He took it snapped his fingers.

F/n and reaper was released. I watched as reaper ran to f/n. I could see tears running down f/ns face.

I ran up to her. "Thank goodness you are ok!" I said hugging her. She tensed up "please let go" she said

I looked at her worried but let go. "I'm sorry for leaving I had no choice" I said quietly. She looked at the ground. Strands of her h/c fell in her face. I pushed them out the way and slowly lifted her face. "I'm so sorry and I promise it will never happen again" I said pulling her into my chest.

She may say she doesn't want to hug but I know she's needed support and this is the only way I know how to comfort her.

I could hear her sniffle. "How can I trust you? You promised me things before this and each one you broke.... Tell me how I can trust you?" She said. Her voice was muffled from my uniform.

"I know I've never been reliable but I'll try from now on. Please just give me another chance" I said practically begging. She thought for a second. "Ok but if you lie again I'll kill you" she said finally hugging back.

I chuckled "deal"

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