found her

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Its been a couple days since I found hiccup and astrid kissing. I try to ignore them and get my work done but it's kinda annoying when you see them clinging onto each other. I was sitting on the bridge when someone sat beside me. "You umm ok?" Mandra asked. "What's it to you? A few days ago you were trying to hurt me." I said.

"Ya but I have to make peace so I can find my daughter. Even if it means trying to make you happy," he said in a gruff voice. "You really care for your daughter?" I asked. "Ya she was my world. I had to give her away after some problems happened. I don't even know what will happen when I see her.shr may hate me because of the man I've become." He said. I shrugged. "Why do you do that to people if you hate it so much?" I asked.

He sighed. "I got ride of  her because a man forced me into this work. At first I hated it but if you spend enough time on something. You learn to love what you hated." He said. I nodded understanding. "Ok we better go look for her. Maybe we'll be lucky this time. She will forgive probably." I said getting up and holding out my hand. He grabbed it and stood up.

"Mandra is there any kind of papers that belong to her?" I asked. He thought for a moment. "I think I may have a old doll from when she was a kid. Before we gave her up we gave her a doll. I tried to track her down one time but that's all I found." He said looking through his bag to pull out a dragon doll. "Hay I recognize that doll. It's the one you had when you were a kid f/n. Remember when you threw it into the water." Hiccup said.

"Ya I remember" is said staring at it like it was a trap. Mandra gave me the look of 'you?!' "no not me. You just found a old dragon doll that looked like hers." I said. "That's the thing. I hand crafted this and signed it." He said pointing to it. "Maybe the reason we can't find that girl is because she has been here the whole time" fishlegs said. "No ok maybe I thought of a different dragon doll. I mean I looked everywhere and never saw and writing. That's the whole reason I threw it into the ocean." I said.

"That's because my signature was hidden so know one would find it" mandra said. I stared at him in shock. "Really? Your going along with this? We hate each other!" I said trying to reason with him. "I don't like it any more than you" he said crossing his arms.

"Well if it is true then great we found her now leave" I said glaring at him. "No if you are her then I want to talk." He said. "No just because of your sad story I'm not just going to fall at your feet. You hurt me for years and if I was your daughter I would definitely not claim you" I said.

"You said she would forgive me so if your her then shouldn't you forgive me?!" He yelled. "that's only if she did know you?! Like if she knew you changed maybe but i actually know you.ive k own you since I ran away from berk!" I said. Hiccup grabbed my shoulders and dragged me out side.

"Ok f/n calm down." He said. He was not helping me calm down. "Don't tell me what to do!" I said. "look if he is your father don't you want to know. You used to cry over not knowing. Here is a chance" he said. I glared at him. "I gave that thought up a long time ago." I said

I whistled to reaper. "Wait f/n!" He said as I jumped into reaper.  "Im leaving" I said  flying away. Mandra came out to see me flying away.

It was quite "well at least one good thing came out of this trip. I meet you didn't k reaper" I said as reaper gave a smile. "F/n come back!" Hiccup said. "Uggg I never get a break" I said laying down. "F/n come on" he said flying beside me. "Noooo!" I said closing my eyes.

"Your throwing a tantrum" he said rolling his eyes. I scoffed "really?" I said staring at him. "You can't run from your problems for ever" he said. "Your right but I can fly" I said getting up to make reaper go faster. "This is childish." He yelled from behind me. I knew toothless was faster but I still tried to get away.

He followed. "F/n I mean it. Stop running you did it when we were children and your still doing it" he said. "And is it such a bad thing?" I asked. "Yes!" He said laughing. I chuckled "Im not going back" I said. "You said you also would never care for me again and last I checked you kissed me" he said.

"Actually you kissed me and instantly regretted it so technically I didn't do anything actually." I said memories of Astrid and him came into my mind. "I don't regret it" he said. "shure hiccy" I said trying to make it as if it were a joke. "See there you go running again." He said. "I am not. We just kissed. You and astrid are together anyways so why does it matter?" I asked.

He didn't answer and it kinda broke my heart. "Exactly" I said flying a head.

A tear fell but I whipped it up.

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