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I was woke up to heather, hiccup, and Astrid. "Ready to go?" I asked snuggling into reaper not wanting to go. "Yes but it looks like your not sleeping beauty" Astrid said rudely. "Don't call me that and yes I'm ready. I got all the things over there. No need to be sensitive Astrid." I said pushing my self up.

She growled and grabbed the stuff. "It will take 2 days to get there" I said walking up reaper. "Ok but we need information to." Hiccup said looking at me serious. I felt that feeling again, anger and sadness. "I told you no questions. Now Let's go before it's to late." I said getting on reaper.

We flew high and fast. "f/n we need to slow down. Our dragons will get tired to quickly." He said. I was getting frustrated. "Fine" I said. It was almost night and hiccup insisted on landing for camp.

I was throwing axis and knifes at a tree. "F/n? F/n!" Hiccup called. I throw a nife right beside his face.  "Wow what's got you one the edge?" He asked. "Doesn't matter what do you want?" I said picking up all the weapons. "Well dinner is ready" he said. "Not hungry" I said back.

"Come one f/n you need to eat" he said I sighed and followed him. I saw Astrid and heather talking. They stopped when they saw me. I sat down and grabbed a fish.

I wasn't sure if I could eat it. Right now I felt like I would throw up. "What is going on with you?" Hiccup said again. "Nothing" I said. "Ok look I don't really care how you feel but things can get messy if your head isn't in the game" heather said. "Look a lot has happened on that island. Its not safe and you'll find out soon enough" I said getting up. I lend on reaper as it raps it's wings around me.

Time skip by dramatic reader!

I didn't sleep at all. I got everyone up and we started to fly again. It was a couple hours later but we finally got there. I could feel goose bumps on my skin.

The place looked abandoned. "Wow" hiccup said. We flew down behind a building. There were people chained up in a line. A guard escorted them into a cell. "It looks like we're behind the prison but I'm not sure if things have changed. If it was like it used to then that over there is where any meetings or stuff would happen." I said pointing to a tent. "What does this place do?" Astrid asked in horror. "They do multiple things. Now the best strategy is to-" I was cut off by people surrounding us.

"F/n so lovely to see you again. We sure did miss you" a man came out. He had dark hair "who are you?" Hiccup asked "me? Well I'm mandra and you guys are trespassing not to mention you have the most wanted criminal here" he said smiling. "Says the man forcing people to kill others for fun" I said giving him the same smile.

He ground at me. "Well trust me on this f/n. I looked into you and your past. You will love what I go and out about your family.." he said smiling. I just stared shocked. "You know about my family? Tell me!" I screamed desperate. He laughed "so desperate but unfortunately they are dead. Turns out your mother died during birth and your father couldn't even look at you. He gave you away and died by some dragons." Mandra said with a evil grin.

I shouldn't have got my hopes up...

I growled and kick him in the face. I was able to call the dragons. Reaper stuck some solders down. I got hiccup and heather free but before I could get Astrid someone stabbed her. Hiccup ran to her crying. "No no no Astrid?!" He yelled holding her. She was still breathing though. She smiled at him and they kissed. "Don't leave me ok?" He said smiling. I could feel pain in my heart but I ignored it.

He picked her up and we started to run. Once we were somewhere safe I was able to get Astrid from hiccup. "Let's go!" I said but hiccup looked worried. I looked back to see solders. "You guys go I'll lead them away" I said grabbing a sword. "What about you?!" Heather said. "I can handle it plus hiccup will need your help to protect him while he carries Astrid. J-just don't leave me here. I can't stay here anymore. Please" I said almost begging.

Hiccup looked shocked "we won't leave without you, I promise. Just let me get Astrid way and I'll hand her to heather and come back to help you." He said smiling.

I smiled back "thanks" I said getting running at them. I fought hard as I saw hiccup leave with heather. They watched me and reaper fight but soon it became to many people.

I started to run to a ledge. I went to jump but they caught reaper. In the distance I could see hiccup and heather. What is he doing?

turn around to see them surrounding me. I started to fight but it was no use. I looked back one more time to see hiccup watching. He still had Astrid but he didn't move.

"Hiccup?!" I yelled hoping he would help. He looked conflicted as he held Astrid. No "hiccup? Heather?! Please you promised! You said you wouldn't leave me!" I yelled as tears left my eyes. I looked at reaper cry's for them to let us go. I look at the sea below me and sharp rocks. I rather die then be left here again. "I'm sorry reaper but I can't." I said reaper let out a ride.

I jumped down ready to die but someone caught my hand.


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