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So I went back... Again. I don't know why I keep going back. Why am I draw to... Him? What's so special about him? I know I could find someone else but do I want to? I will never be able to hold hands or kiss. I'm just his friend.

My thoughts crowded mind as I looked out over the beautiful ocean. I heard someone sit beside me. "You know thinking to much can hurt you." Hiccup said. "I know but what else can I do?" I said. "Hay f/n I have a favor to ask" he said nervously. I looked at him with my eyebrow raised. "What?" I asked sceptical. "Well I know that my dad is forcing me to marry Astrid but if I was in love with someone else then he may let me off the hook." He said looking away. "And" I said with questioning eyes.

I could see small blush on his face. "I would like if you pretended that we were in... Love. I know it seems crazy! But please it makes more sense. Look old friends that was separated just to come back together and fall in love! And after we break the engagement we wait a year or so and break up!" He said with pleading eyes. I looked away in thought.

Fake love? Is that even a good idea? I kinda like him anyways and us 'being together' for a year just to break up may not be a good idea.

I looked back at hiccup. He had hope I  his face. He's a friend and he needs help.
"Ok I'll help but how are we going to break the news to Astrid?" I asked. He smiled "I have the perfect plan" he said.

We are now flying to berk. Of course we haven't told anyone the plan yet but I hope it works. Let's prey my acting skills are good.

Mandra kept flying near me. "F/n?" He said. "Yes?" I answered monotone. "I-i was wondering if we could get to know each other" he said hopefully. "Sorry but I have plans. Hiccup and I have to find dagger." I said flying to hiccup. He was flying beside Astrid. Once he saw me he left her to me. "Hay f/n you ready?" He asked. "Ya what time do we meet up?" I asked. "Around noon my lady" he said

I nodded and looked forward to see berk. "Thanks f/n" he said smiling lightly. " No problem hiccup but I'd this works and we are 'together' then what should I call you?" I asked. He shrugged "I don't know but I think I'll call you my lady, baby, sweety-" I cut him off laughing. "Ok ok I'll call you hiccy" I said. He laughed "ok then baby" he said. I could feel Astrid glaring holes into the back of my head.

We landed on berk. Hiccup was crushed into a bear hug by stoick. "Ahhh hiccup my boy! Who is this young lady?" He asked pointing to me. "This is my old friend f/n" he said. "F/n f/n? O I know that friend that always got into trouble with you!" He said. I had a blank face. "Well f/n you've changed" I heard gabber say. "Ya well so had hiccup. He's not much of a fish bones anymore" I said smirking at him. He rolled his eyes and laughed. "Who is he?" Gobber pointed to mandra. "He is-" I was cut off by mandra. "I'm her father" he said. Everyone went quite. I balled my fist up. "He is mandra and no you are not." I said.

Reaper stood directly behind me growling at mandra. "It's a beauty!" Stoick said. "Thanks it's name is reaper" I said. They all laughed and we went to supper. "Well f/n what have you been up to all these years!" Stoick said laughing while drinking a beer. Hiccup and his friends went quite. "It's been good. Most people call me a bounty hunter" I said. Stoicks eyes widened. "Really? I never would have thought and you mandra was it" he said laughing. "Well I umm- I unfortunately did some bad things that I would like to repent from" he said looking away. "don't we all" Gobber said half joking.

I got up from the table. "im going to head out" I said leaving. I waited outside for hiccup. He came out soon after. "You ready?" He asked. I nodded nervously. We made our way to his house. I sat on the couch nervously. "You sure your ok with this?" He asked. "ya" I said

About a hour later we heard foot steps. "Here we go" hiccup said. He came close to my face. Slowly our lips touched. He started to move faster as the foot steps got closer. "Hiccup!" A female yelled. We sadly pulled away blushing heavily. "F/n?!" Astrid yelled. "Hiccup what is going on here. He looks at me and takes a breath.

I nodded for him to say something. He grabbed my hand and stood up. "I Astrid I'm sorry you had to find out this way" he said squeezing my hand. I felt a tug and I was brought into his arms. "Father Astrid I-i am in love with f/n. I didn't mean for it to turn out this way b-but when she came back. A lot happened and then this came up and I wanted to tell you but-" Astrid slapped him. "You chose a slut over me!" She yelled.

He held me tighter "she is not a slut! Look Astrid I tried to stay with you but it was always your way or the highway! I'm sorry but I love her" he said kissing my forehead. Stoick looks in shock. I could tell he was angry but also like he understood. "I'm sorry Astrid" hiccup said again. "No I'm sorry I ever waisted my time with you" she said leaving.

"Hiccup I'm vary disappointed in you... But I understand. It's not right to cheat or lead someone on. No matter what." He said heading upstairs.

Hiccup looked sad. I held his hands. "we did it" I said smiling. He smiled back "ya" he answered

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