where are you part 2

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I snuck into the ship with toothless was it? I hid behind some barrels. I looked at the dragon and held my hand to my mouth hussing it. It looked at me confused.

I sat and waited for us to go on land. The vikings started to run to a large mountain. "Why are we here? Uggg I wish people would tell me things!" I yelled to my self.

I then slapped my hand over my mouth. A viking grabbed me and throw me on the ground in front of the dragon. I scrambled away. "Why are you here?! Are you trying to free the dragon?!" She yelled. I shook my head no. "I-i want to help!" I said fast. "You?! Your weak what could you help with" I looked away.

Dragons came flooding in. "Stay here" she said yelling and running off. I looked at toothless. I walked up to him. He started to thrash around. "Shhh I'm going to help" I whispered.

I grabbed a hair pin and started to try and pick the lock. I'm good at lock picking but this was hard. "Uggg this is impossible!" I yelled falling to my but. "Sorry buddy but I can't. I'm not sting enough..." I said looked at him sadly. He nudges me slightly.

I looked around for something heavy. "Hold still I don't want to hurt you" I said grabbing a axe. I was about to swing when someone pushed me. "What are you doing f/n?!" Hiccup screamed. I looked shocked. "I thought you were my friend?! I thought I could trust you but your no better then them!" He yelled.

I got up angry. "I was trying to-" he cut me off. "No! Go!... I said go!" He yelled at me. I couldn't believe him. I risked my life to help and this is how he repays me?!

"I would go but where could I?! Were in a damn ocean!" I yelled. He never heard me cuss. Suddenly they boat got blown in two. I fell into the water. I could see hiccup fighting to get toothless out but he started to pass out. I tried to swim but my foot was stuck.

I knew it was probably my time. I watched as toothless tried to help hiccup. I watched a stoick grabbed hiccup and brought him to the top.

I looked at toothless. I see stoick come back down for the dragon. He ripped the chains off. Toothless took off and brought them up to the land. I could feel water felling my lungs. Then I see toothless coming for me.

I smile at him thinking it was my imagination. Then I pass out. I awoke slowly in my bed. I was alone but who brought me here. I got up and walked out to berk. There where dragons everywhere. I saw Gobber "gobber what happened?!" I asked. "Well after toothless brought you back from the sea. We fought hiccup lost his leg. He is actually passed out right now. Umm I yay dragons are are friends!" He said.

I looked at him confused. "Wait hiccup is passed out?!" I said. There was then clapping. I looked over to see hiccup. I ran over but I was then pushed to the side by Astrid. She ran up and kissed him. I watched in and I could feel my heart hurt.

They really are a great couple. I mean we are still friends right? The crowd stared to part and I walked up to them. "Hiccup I'm glad your ok" I said smiling.

He looked at me angry. I watched in confusion. "What's wrong?" I asked. "You tried to kill toothless" he said. He walked up to me a little wobbly. Astrid held him up. "I-i didn't" I tried to say but Astrid cut me off. "Don't lie we saw you!" She yelled. Everyone agreed with her. "Hiccup?" I asked hoping he would help me but he looked away.

I was shocked and hurt. "You... If you would listen to me you would know the truth damn it! I was trying to get him free! I almost got killed because of it! And no I didn't know that you cared so much about him because you didn't fucking tell me! Shit hiccup! I thought you were my friend! And here you are blaming me?!" I yelled. I never yell and when I say never I mean never.

My throat hurt and my eyes had tears in them. He stood there mouth open. I turn around and walk away. "Wait!" He started but I kept walked. Made it to the docks. There was no one around. I saw a small boat on the side. There is my ticket out of here.

I ran and stole the boat. I watched as berk disappeared into the distance.

"Goodbye berk, good by... Hiccup. Im never coming back and you better hope I never see you again. I will get stronger that I promise" I said

That day something in me died and ever since then my shoulders got ten times heavier.

I am supper proud of the chapter! I know I still need to edit but still 😆 thanks for reading! I love you guys!

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