heart to heart?

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I walked into what seemed to be there dinning room. "So any idea on what he is after?" I asked. "No we don't" hiccup said. "Ya that's why we got you" one of the twins said dumbly. I rolled my eyes "who are they again?" I asked swinging my sword around.

"Snotlout, fishlegs , roughtnut, roughtnut, and-" the blond girl cut him off. "I'm Astrid his girlfriend" she said protectively. Hiccup looked annoyed. I couldnt help but chuckle a little. They looked at me weird. "What?" He asked. "Nothing" I said walking around.

"No tell us" Astrid said pushing it. I was getting annoyed. "Look blondie I'm trying to be nice but your pushing it." I said rubbing my templates. If I didnt need a transport to dager I would have left by now.

Astrid was about to say something when hiccup cut her off. "So what's the plan for now?" He asked. "Bath food then sleep" I said they looked at me shocked. "What about dager?" Fishlegs said "well I'll figure out something later. I haven't slept in a while or bathed and personally I'm hungry." I said walking out. "So where is the river?" I asked.

(Do they have indoor pluming? I don't know but I'm gonna use a river)

"I can show you" snotlout said smirking evil. "No roughtnut please show her" he said shaking his head. Roughtnut nodded "ok come to me to the ocean!" She yelled walking straight to the edge. "Lake!" Hiccup yelled. She turned right. "To the lake!" She said marching on.

I followed her down. "Ok here it is!" She said standing there. I gave her a look to leave but she didn't move. "Umm roughtnut" I said looking at her. "Yes?" She said clueless. "Can you I don't know-" I said waiting for her to get it.

"Ooo do you have a itch?" She said. "No I want you to go" I said angry she nodded and left. I took a long bath finally able to breath.

I got out after a while and got dressed. "I need to make a new cloak." I said to my self. I walked up to hear talking. "We can't trust her! You saw how Johann was!" Astrid said. "We don't know anything about her either" fishlegs said. "Plus she didn't fall for my manly charms" snotlout said. I heard the twins laugh."she's cool" roughtnut said. "Ya we could use another boy!" Toughtnut said. "Did shes a she" roughnut said in a du tone.

Everyone ignored them as they fought about who was right. "She is are only source now. We will just have to keep and eye on her for now. We use to be friends-" Hiccup started. "hiccup the girl you use to know is gone. Just look at her" Astrid said

I walked in and they all shut up. "Dont stop the party because im here. Also you dont have to worry about me betraying you s long as you hold up your end of the deal." I said walking in.

I didn't feel hungry anymore. I don't know why but I feel angry still. I thought I put  all of it behind me. "Where do I sleep" I said coldly. "Umm" they looked at each other worried.

"You can stay with me." Astrid said giving in. I nodded but I wasn't happy about it. She showed me her place. It was nice. "Make yourself at home. If you want you can sleep on the bed" she said annoyed.

I looked at a corner away from the bed. "No need" I said walking to it. I got comfortable and held my sword in my hand. It makes me feel more protected. I heard Astrid leave.

Soon after I fell into a deep sleep. In my dream I saw blood and screams. Dragons and humans both. A hand came at my face and I yelled.

I woke up cold sweat. I held my sword to whoever was shaking me. "Hiccup?" I asked confused lowering my sword. I saw Astrid beside him. "What's wrong?" He asked worried. "What do you mean I'm fine" I said getting up. I looked out to see the sun  rise. "I over slept" I said hitting my head.

"Why were you screaming?" Hiccup said grabbing my shoulder. "I don't know leave me alone" I said walking off. I started to get to work. I grabbed a map and cut off all the places dager wouldn't be. Hiccup stood behind me.

"What are you doing?" He asked. "I'm seeing where I know for a fact he won't be" I said crossing out another island. "these are places he is being hunted or is a prison." I said. "how do you know he won't go to any of those places for revenge?" He asked.

"Well he said his number one is to get revenge on you so I'm thinking your his main priority. I don't think he would stray from that path vary far right? Plus if he wanted to go to the prison I'm sure he would already have done it." I said

He nodded understand. I looked at the map for hours trying to find a key point or anything important in any of the islands but I couldn't see anything he would want!

I lend back "uggggg" I groaned hiccup jolts awake. "What I'm awake!" He yelled. He looked at the the map. "Wow you've done a amazing job! Only 10 islands left!" He said in sarcasm. "Ahahaha vary funny." I said right back.

"Hahaha ok ok but seriously you did great and sorry to have fallen asleep on you my lady" he said bowing. I laughed "why it quit alright my great leader. I've spent many years creating my great skills" I said bowing back.

We both laughed when I realized what was happening. I stopped smiling. I guess old habits doesn't die fast. He betrayed you! Why are you laughing with him. "I have to get back to work" I said looking at the map. It's been a while since I laughed. I guess it felt nice but I shouldn't get to comfortable.

"Is everything alright?" He asked. "Yes everything is fine. I just don't have a lot of time. I need to get this done and go" I said looking at him.

"Why do you want to leave so soon? I mean you could stay here. From what Johann said you know allot. You could join our team" he said hopefully.

"I don't think that's a good idea" I said getting up to leave.

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